Thursday, September 24, 2015


The initial intent of this article was to share details about my experience and some pictures about Ahobilam. But when I started to write this blog, a brain wave suggested to share from the origin of how the idea to visit this place crept into me. So.......

On the day of Janmashtami evening, before the Pooja a thought reached my mind to visit this place and the next day I saw a FB post where my friend was tagged. This guy visits every month and I reached out to him to finalize my travel plans. This reminds me of Bhagavd Gita 10th Chapter sloka
   "aham sarvasya prabhavo;mattah sarvam pravartate
 iti matva bhajante mam;budha bhava-samanvitah”

“I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me”.

To answer all those dear ones who asked numerous questions like why sudden plan? Any purpose? Isn't this place belongs to Vaishnavaites? etc etc.,

I believe this reflection of mine is only of HIS and able to finalize without any hesitation. He even paved way with help of FB in identifying Balaji(friend) who organized the trip.I have come across people who have planned for decades to visit this place.

Everything seemed to fall in its place, the itinerary was during the long weekend that facilitated the leave plans. I know this was in my father-in-law’s imminent list for several years, made an inquiry about his plan to join and he readily accepted so got a companion.
With help of Google gathered more information about the places and slowly got engrossed into it.

This avathar of HIS is significant and unique from others. Unlike Krishna or Rama avatars this one emanated in a flash and the duration is less compared to the successors.  The purpose of this one is to prove that HE is omnipresent in all forms.

It is firmly believed that Lord Narasimha was 'Svayambhu' (self-manifested) here, to answer the question of self-manifestation and his presence in all forms I would like touch in brief about Quantum physics and come back.

Quantum Physics is a highly specialized form of science that, unlike Newtonian physics, studies, explores and explains how everything in the tangible world comes into existence. For some, the word “Quantum Physics” may seem a bit overwhelming but it's really not as intimidating or hard to understand as you may think. Quantum Physics is the study of how and what everything that makes up the universe as well as everything in it, both the seen as well as the unseen, how it is derived.

Quantum physics goes a step beyond atoms and breaks them into sub atomic particles like Photons, Leptons, Electrons, Neutrons, etc., Albert Einstein contribution to Q.Physics was E=MC^2 which is nothing but Energy = Everything.

According to him the subatomic particles which collectively formed the atoms were pure energy and it's this One Energy which makes up ALL things. The bottom line is, everything that exists whether nature, sound, colors, oxygen, the wind, thoughts, emotions, your physical body, the stars, your ability to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, etc. etc., is only made possible as a result of this very same energy.
Energy consisted of waves and this discovery further proved that anything and everything that exists in our world once existed as a wave (spiritual) and through individual observation and expectation was transformed into a particle (made physical) based only on what they THOUGHT(which is again an energy) and BELIEVED( again an energy) it would appear in that form.

So a mathematical equation is
Energy +Observation+Expectation+ Belief+Thoughts = Physical particle

This is where when Prahalad said He will be in “தூணிலும் இருப்பான் துரும்பிலும் இருப்பான்” what he meant was He is present in the form of energy in all sub atomic particles and hence omnipresent. When Prahalad showed the pillar which was again energy and he believed and thought that to be The Lord,HE appeared in a physical form(consist of energy)

Now back to Ahobilam, will cover only the significant aspects rest anyway you can google to find more details.
It is believed that in Treata Yuga there existed a palace of Hiranyakasupu in this place and the other version is Lord appeared to Garuda who was performing penance in this place. Let us not indulge in analyzing the version, this place is blissful due to the fact that it is strenuous to reach by people.
There are 9 Narashimar temples that are special and another one in the name of Prahalada Varadhar. You need to start at a particular temple and end at one but this decree is diluted considering the availability of time. All the 9 temples are small in size but very powerful.
1.    Jawala – Here Lord is in fierce form and notable one is that all 365 days 24X7 there are tiny drops of water from the cave which lands only on his head to cool him down. No other part of his gets that water droplets. To reach this temple you need to pass through a water fall and during monsoon all chances of getting wet. Another significant one is the “Rathkund” in front of this temple.
It is believed that after slaying the demon Lord washed his hand, even today you can find water with red color oozing into a crystal clear tub.
        2. Pavana – To reach this place you need to travel in Jeep for 3 hours and the raid is really spine breaking and during rainy season this route is closed and there is an alternative where you need to walk.
      3.Ahobila – This is the place Adi Shankara visited and have installed a Shiv Lingam and Sudarasan Chakram. Very few places you find Shiv lingam in Perumal temple.
      4.Chatravata – Chatra means Umbrella, the peepal tree will be as an umbrella and hence this name. The posture is in one hand he makes "Thalam". Remarkable thing about this place is if you clap your hands you can hear the sound of shruthi petti.

       Rest of the temples also has its own significance and purpose.

Finally Ugra Sthambham.
Though it is only 4Kms from Jawala you need to climb at a steep angle with no laid paths. Both onward and return will take 3 hours. It is believed that from this place Lord appeared from a pillar. On top you have a flag post and Sri Patham. You have to do pradhaksana in sitting posture considering the wind and the place available. Area of the entire place will be 5 feet and have to be very careful when landing.Chaitanya Maha Prabhu had visited this place.

More details about this place are available at

FYI – Photos are available in the below link and your comments are valuable to improve my blogging.