Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Panchayatana Pooja @ 29 May 2016

Life is full of desires, even Buddha desired to be free from desire.

In my desire catalog, Panchayatana pooja was the one that was waiting for the prearranged time. He knows when to prescribe and to/by whom. Finally the wait was over and came in the form of LOKA KSHEMA SEVA SAMITI which organizes several events and this one is part of their list. As soon as I heard about the event, registered for the same.They have their criteria in selecting the couples for the event. Due to His blessing I was part of the list and would like to share about the event and the professional approach carried throughout the process. As a prologue would like to throw some light on this pooja.

Panchayatana Pooja is the system of worship in a systematic laid down procedure by Smarta Sampradaya of Hinduism which involves both physical and mental discipline that requires inner and outer cleanliness.

It is said to have been re-introduced by Adi Shankara, yes people mistake that Shri Shankara actually started this Panchayatana puja system - which is wrong. Deva Puja and Archana is one of the most important duties imposed by the Shastras. The Shastras are filled with details of the Panchayatana puja details and Shankra only prescribed us to follow it without fail and made popular.

It consists of the worship of five deities namely Sun, Ambika, Vishnu, Ganapati and Shiva all on the same pedestal meaning no Beda Bhava(discrimination).This emphasized the idea that these are not five different Gods, but they are the one God worshiped in five different forms.

Some wrongly think Adi Shankara taught only Jnana and had no place for Karma. Shankara held that the place of Jnana was all-important but he knew equally well that many could not give up Karma and so they should be taught the most beneficial forms of Karma and this is one among them.

Thus the Panchayatana Puja came into Smartha homes and are represented by small natural stones from various parts of India which is worshipped in its own pure form.

  1. Ganesha – Red Sonabhadra stone from river Sone in Bihar 
  2. Surya – Crystal from river Vallam in Tanjavur 
  3. Vishnu – Saligrama from river Gandaki in Nepal 
  4. Shiva – Banalinga from river Narmadha from Madhya Pradesh 
  5. Ambikai - Swarna Muki from river Swarna Muki in AP
Now back to the event, the entire event was excellently organized from the start to end where professionalism was evident in all activities. The best part was the amalgamation of technology(Video Conf with Periva) with the event and all those hard efforts manifested into great gala event.

Initial process is those who are interested should call the designated people and in turn you will be asked some questions and finally some personal details to be shared by email. If you get selected based on the criteria, you will be informed by email and SMS about the venue and things to carry on that day. 108 couples were selected for this particular event.

On the previous occasion too they got the blessing from Kanchi Perivas and this year too they met both Periva and got their blessing for this event. Please find the video link

People were present well in advance of the start time(Sunday 7.00 am) and this showed the commitment, almost 80% of the population was well before start. Another thing that was evident is the age group mixture where undeniably people of less than 45 age were higher compared to other age group, good signs for Sanatana Dharmam.

At the start, the entire schedule was presented to the audience and everything was followed as per the schedule without any variance.

Rituals and Pooja to Murthis followed by carnatic music to keep audience engaged till Balaperiva’s Live video conference was awesome. Post that every couple was presented with new traditional attire and above videos was played in the screen for those who did not had the opportunity to pick this up in the YouTube earlier. Also a Pooja was performed and the same was telecasted in the screen so that the participants get an idea on the procedure was an awesome amazing idea.

Finally for each of them Panchakshari Japam was rendered followed by handing over of Murthis to every individual. On the way from the stage before each of them get seated, 2 bags were given that contained items for pooja, also a book on how to do this pooja with mantras. Yes each one of us performed our first pooja there to get accustomed to the practice. Finally awesome feast ended the event around 14.00 hrs for that day.

A follow up event(week later) to clarify the doubts that might sweep across our mind when we perform the pooja at home is the best ending note I have come across recently.

The entire event can be summarized in the below video