Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Snippet - துணுக்குகள் 03 / 17

After nearly a gap of 2 months my renaissance towards sharing my learning/reading/experience erupted, this impediment was due to my steadfastness to my routine schedule. Need to catch up a lot and starting with something that has been flashing for some time.


During last week of March 2017, Google unveiled a new feature to its popular Maps app where users can share their locations with friends and contacts in real time.

Yes! Google Maps users will now be able to quickly let friends know if they are running late for meeting and if you are wondering why Google never thought of this earlier then you are wrong. In fact they came up with this idea in the year 2009. The pillar of this great company is its innovation and that too light year ahead of its competitors in bringing innovation to its products.

In 2009 when Smartphone were still at infancy stage Google introduced this Latitude app. At that time this app drew privacy concerns and several articles were published highlighting the risks by enabling this app.

After 8 years they brought this back to public after working on the feedback received on the privacy meanwhile the world has also changed since 2009 when they first tried this. Now more people are in social media when compared to that period in spite of the unaddressed inherent risk associated with the status updates we provide in these social media.

In this particular instance I personally feel there are more benefits of sharing location if you can take care of privacy risk by sharing the information only with known people. For instance allowing parents to keep track of their wards in this highly threatening environment will be welcomed whereas that husbands/wife who party outside without knowledge of his/her spouse will still be hesitant to install this wonderful app.

Whether we make use of this app or not is a personal requirement to each of us. But a key thing to observe is that, let us turn back and take stock of exactly what we gave up some years back and if it is good time to embrace now we shouldn’t be waiting to adopt. It might turn out to be a life changing hug.

RPA and AI - Phobia

If you are associated with IT or ITES industry the buzzword that will obviously encircle you is RPA or AI. When Robotic Process Automation or Artificial Intelligence are talked about then people immediately start picturing about tiny robots that look like humans that renders some activity. Agree to some extent but in reality it is different.

Each day AI surrounds us in all activities we do, be it while browsing internet where it guides you to certain pages or some relevant pages are flashed based on your recent searches. Most of us presume that manufacturing industries are the early adopters of AIs but personally I feel it dates back to evolution of wheels. Necessity is the mother of invention.

AI is no more a “nice to have” choice, it has become integral part of process innovation and cost optimization, which will bring tangible business benefits. Choice is when and where you want to start from?

These innovations can’t be adopted overnight, this needs adoption by organization and its people without any fear.

Ever since RPA/AI came into limelight there has been fear that machines will take over humans. Imagine if the same thought had erupted in the past during the invention of wheel then evolution of human would not have progressed. The way we work is going to change and role we played is going to evolve. Personally I feel that role of humans cannot vanish and it is going to evolve further. Technology cannot take over whereas humans can take over and make better use of it. Having said that, definitely we will have challenges facing this evolution and the foremost one that comes to my mind is how we are going to handle this in designing the curriculum for school or colleges. Though in the past we have made changes to curriculum but this time the magnitude and pace of changes are different to relax.

This reminds me of Philip Kotler’s quote “If you will remain in same business you are in now in next 5 years, you will not exist in the business”, which means you have to be on the wheels of innovation at fairly decent pace so that you are not left out of the race.