Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Dasama Varsikotsava (10th Anniversary)

Recently with the help and support of friends and relatives was able to perform Ganapathi Homam and Abishegam for Prakasa Ganapthy on Feb 25th Sunday. Several questions and doubts on performing the rituals by me now(year 2018), when the association with this temple got severed 18 years ago. I normally do not trade off my actions, as HE knows the intentions behind my actions.

Being the 10th death anniversary of my father, I was pondering on how to make this a special year so that his soul is pleased apart from the routine yearly shradham. Immediately this thought came as I felt that there can’t be better action to please him. I do not want to feed my ego by performing on my own so alms were sought so that it will be a combined effort of all.

Before proceeding, I should provide some lineage on the relationship between us. It was a typical Indian heritage where many sons idolize their father till the age of teen and with the arrival of adolescent the differences start. With the advent of my pubescent age, we both were simply polar in our thoughts that resulted in cold war most of the times. These mutinies is due to the act of seeking a self-identity that paved way for rough weather. In some families, however this revolt turns to be a lifelong disconnect whereas fortunately it was not in my case. We both cherished each other with a third person and never embraced each other directly. He shared my professional and personal victories with others (in my absence) with pride and similarly I shared his triumphs when he is not present.

My father’s association with this temple dates back to year 1987, it was built with public money inside our flat premises in T.Nagar. The Ganapthy was named after our street “Prakasa” means bright. Irrespective of his work shift hours, he used to perform daily, monthly and yearly rituals till year 2000 without any fail. Year 2000 we moved out to a different house due to space constraints. The relationship between my father and Ganapathy was evident when he returned to the flat in year 2008 and within few months succumbed to severe cardiac arrest just in front of the temple and respired his last breathe before starting to meet his maker.

As a mark of respect to his devotion and sincerity, I wanted this event before his tenth anniversary to please both(Ganapthy and him). Ganapthy is craving to have a feast for the last 10 years that was fulfilled on this occassion. Would like to personally thank each of the members who convened for this occasion and those who supported physically and financially to make this dream come true.


Would like to end with a quote from my favorite author valluvar under “Makatperu”

மகன்தந்தைக்கு ஆற்றும் உதவி இவன்தந்தை
என்நோற்றான் கொல்எனும் சொல். 

The duty of the son ( children ) to father ( parents ) is to make others to wonder, What penance the father ( parents ) had done to beget him(them). Children by the virtue of their behavior, attitude, and knowledge should make others to wonder. 

தந்தை மகற்காற்று நன்றி அவையத்து
முந்தி இருப்பச் செயல் 

The duty of the parents is to bring up their children in such a way that they sit in the front row in any assembly of wise. To achieve this, the children should be given right education. Apart from the formal education, children should be trained to live within the law and ethical parameters, spend within the prescribed norms etc., 

My father not only told me how to live; He lived and made me to watch his living.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Veda Rakshanam - First Update

First, a BIG THANKS for all those who supported us. It was good response from 60 odd people and finally we embargoed when the list reached 56 people considering the date we committed.

It was a nice blend of not only the amount of Rs 100 and Rs 200, we also had good fusion of people contributing Monthly, Half yearly, Annually. There were people who contributed more than Rs 1200 and Rs 2400 as an annual amount, with their agreement moved the excess annual contribution to Capital Reserve Account. The Capital reserve will be parked aside and will be used for some special expenses of patasalas.

The collection constitutes a monthly amount of Rs 9200 and Rs 26,400 as capital. I will send the second month reminder to those who are contributing monthly. Will share the receipt of first month as soon as we receive.

As updated earlier, there was a change in Patasala from Pondichery and the amount increased to Rs 10,000 per month (Shortfall of Rs 800 was pulled from capital)

The first month cheque was presented after getting the blessing of HH Bala Periva from Srimatam on 13th Feb 2018. The day had Pradhosam, Sivarathri and Janma Nakshatram of HH Bala Periva, what else we could order to start this venture. Along with the cheque the covering letter and list of people who contributed was attached for Periva blessing. (Please find both attached)

The contribution will benefit Sri Pratyaksha Charitable Trust who are leading 5 residential patasalas under their umbrella. All the Patasalas inoculate spiritual and academic education to Vidhayarthis.

1.Vaikhanasa Patasala. Syllabus are Archaka Nithya Karmanushtanam, Thiruvardhanam, Brahmotsavam, Mahasamprokshanam, Kumbhabhishekam, Prayaschitha vidhanam. This is being taught from a school in Avadi Chennai.

2.Sampradaya Patasala. The main objective of Sampradaya is to educate young women who cherish our tradition, it also combines mainstream education by offering a University degree along with training in various vocations, languages, music, fine arts, handicrafts, childcare, yoga and other relevant subjects.Syllabus include Valmiki Ramayana, Acharya Stotras(Bhaja Govindam), Panchanga Pathatanam, Pooja Vidhanam, Music & Instruments, Making of Pooja Dravyas like Kum Kumam, Akshata, Naivedya, Practical Home Remedies (Kashayam etc.), Tailoring, Arts & Crafts. This is being operated from Tirupati AP.

3. Jyotishya Smartha Patasala, from Karvet Nagar near Puttur. Syllabus taught are Nithya Vidhi (Sandhya vandhanam, Agni hotram & Brahmayagnam). Aapasthamba sutrokta panchadasha karma, Nakshatreshti, Mahanyasa, Rudrapadha, Navagraha makha, Udakashanthi Prayogaha., Aabdeeka prayogaha. Katakas , Aarayanka mantra bhaga, Sanskrit Language development Course, Mridhangam and Yoga Classes.

4. Nadhaswaram Patasala, this one operates out of Nallatoor for boys and Karvet Nagar for girls. The subjects taught here are Nadaswaram, Dhol, Mulika Vaidhyam, Rangoli and garland making.

5. Samskrutha Patasala.This is unique when compared to others where vidhyarthis are inculcated spiritual education alongside academic studies from CBSE rest of the above are from State Board education. This Bangalore based Patasala has been designed on the lines of the ancient Ghatikasthanams it offers specalised training in Sanskrit, Vedic Studies, Namasankirthanam and Music. It has has a central dining hall and a separate Dhyana Hall, Vidyarthis also use this space for special congregations, Homams and during festivities that include Upakarma, Jayanthi Celebrations of the Acharyas.