Thursday, February 13, 2014

TT - Technology Trail blazer

Normally everyone who has kid will also have a designated pediatrician who will be part of the family and come all along the way till the kid grows and in some cases he will be the same person to whom our parents would have taken us some decades ago.

Similarly I had some in the area where we lived in the past, currently we have adopted Dr Srinivasan in Ashok Nagar.

Some months back saw a big change in his clinic and had a discussion with this doctor. He dropped himself into the patient’s shoes to solve their problems and embraced technology to help in his service. 

Mostly a female lady will manage the appointments and will not change for some period and in his case also the same. More the tenure the dirty 3 letter word EGO comes in and these assistants some times behave as surgeons.

Personally I have seen different phases of managing appointments in his clinic

  • You need to go there physically to get token from assistants ( made out of hardboard)
  • With the growth in telecommunication we can book appointments over phone was the latest method and in turn she provides a number and also writes the same in a diary  

Some of the hiccups to the existing system are

  • Discrimination made by the assistant in providing the tokens
  • Malfunction of telecommunication devices and bad signals etc
  • Punctuality of Assistant, they have to be there in advance to distribute tokens or take calls

To overcome all these glitches Dr. Srinivasan embraced technology as his partner and solved the appointment issues faced by his patients

There might be several products available but he choose Neroor which manages his appointments.

All we need to do is send SMS from our mobile to a 10 digit mobile number and the message should follow the guidelines to make life simple for all.

333 < Date> < Kids name> < Father’s Name> for Morning appointment
999 < Date> < Kids name> < Father’s Name> for Morning appointment

In return we get an SMS with token number and appointment time from Neroor, also the product gives message if you fail to provide any information as per the above guideline. In case if he exceeded his patient's quto it also informs that the appointments are not available. Messages like asking the patient only to be there before 30 mins will also be generated for better floor and time management. Show this SMS to the doctor and you are in and out in quick time.

By embracing this technology he not only delighted his existing customers and also ensured that they are retained, even if I move out of Ashok nagar, I will send a SMS and be there as per the time provided by none other than is remote assistant called Neroor.

If we start thinking like Dr Srinivsasan in our respective arena, imagine the delight we will be providing to our customers and also these things will act as that extra mileage in our retention program. Finally we will be the service provider by default.

But for this to happen some of the parts in our body should be open like eyes, ears, tongue, and finally the skull cap to search, listen, to win the battle of arguments from negative influences and finally accept…..

Even in his case his peers influenced him not to adopt and invest in this new technology since it will stop those people who do not have education, but he went ahead with his idea and I do not see any drop in such crowds. All you need to know is to operate mobile or if not then those who know how to operate in your vicinity…......hats off to these kind of Trail blazers. 

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