Thursday, June 2, 2016

Fundraising for Surai Temple

To Begin with, would like to quote Chapter 12 Verse 9 &10 of Bhagavad Gita which refers to service.

"If you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulated principles of bhakti-yoga In this way you will develop a desire to attain to Me."

"If you cannot practice the regulations of bhakti-yoga, then just try to work for Me, because by working for Me you will come to the perfect stage."

It was an overwhelming response from most of you to my earlier communication about my association with this temple authorities of Mannatheswar Temple of Surai Village for building Gopuram for Sivan Sannadhi and Separate sannadhi for Murugar. Most of your responses were towards getting the bank details whereas some sought more details about temple which prompted me to write this article.

The above temple is situated in a village called Surai, near Thirumalaivaiyavur on the way to Vedanthangal from Chengalpet.

The delay in getting this article out is due to the search of an old picture that was taken at this temple to compare the same with current, the intent is not to prove the accomplishment or developments but to render information about this temple and how HE and SHE takes care of not only the devotees but also themselves. Earlier the roofing was with mangalore tiles that has paved way for a concrete hall and completely rejuvenated gopurams and structure to stay for several years to come is not only pleasing to eyes but also to heart.
Same place after a decade
Little drops make the mighty ocean or in the modern terminology the same can be refurbished like Little statements/codes make powerful Software.

Similarly all these Sanathana Dharma activities can be easily carried only when we have the synergy of like minded people. In those days we had designated people to carry out these tasks, say for example the Emperors took the responsibility of building the place of worship for the religion they are associated. In this century the Industrialist are coming to the rescue but mostly their association are with medium or mighty temples. Still the needy tiny temples in some hamlet require attention where common people’s synergy is required for the upliftment.

Plans for 2016 are
  1. Construction of Gopuram for Sivan sannadhi 
  2. Sannadhi for Murugar 
  3. Construction of toilets 
Benefits of doing these things have several dimensions apart from HIS blessing.

These villagers do not have the privileges like us where we have several options for a get together with friends or relatives. It is always delightful to see the happy faces of the villagers when they assemble at the temple during festival time. They spend time with friends, neighbors and relatives and have lunch together cooked at the temple premises and finally disperse at the end of the day. Some come from far off places to their own village only for that day and for that event. I have spent time on these occasions in this temple to see the delighted faces.Some sample pictures taken during one such occasion.

 Secondly we can prevent conversion of these people to other religions who are enticed by the offers and the richness of the place of worship from other religions. We can make the poor, innocent villagers to come back to the temples rather than to the other places of worship. All these will fall under sanathana dharmam and to me even the 3rd in the list will also fall under the domain.

During our last visit to this temple, we found that the people particularly women are in the state of discomfiture when there is a need to attend nature call. So the idea of construction of toilet erupted but it is not treated as same as the construction of the other two. Due to the lack of response to this project, whereas good support for the others made us to amalgamate all into one and go for funding.
A group of Masons who visits this temple from Chennai has agreed to spend their time and effort with no cost for the 3rd project.

Hardship in getting support for toilet construction is not a surprise since PM Modi’s Swachh Bharat mission has many challenges in making India “Open defection free” by 2019.

Click here for the Challenges faced by Swachh Bharat

If you intend to be part of all these project and would like to contribute whatever that is possible you can transfer to the below mentioned bank account. Please mention your name in the reference that will help us. For example  Your Name - Surai      

Account Number :- 50100005123491

Name :- Ananya GB

Bank and Branch :- HDFC KK Nagar

IFSC Code :- HDFC0001052

It would be fitting to end with a quote since the start also had one

“Change is permanent and constant. Existence is ephemeral. If existence has age then there will be no “change”. The universe is evolving at all times because of change. Without change there is no universe. -- from Bhagavad Gita”

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