Thursday, October 13, 2016


This is in continuation to my earlier article on the App TNEPDS, which you can download from Google play store. This is going to be used for Public Distribution System in TN.

As I shared earlier using this App you can update the Aadhaar card details to link your card and no need to visit the shop.

Now let us get a glimpse of some features on this App.

You will get a password to your registered mobile and in Tamil it is called (உள்நுழைவு), I like the Tamil word for password.

Using the password we need to login and the landing screen looks like the one on the left.

The first is your eligibility for a month and it is called உரிமம் and it list down the articles you are eligible.

It has a place to register a compliant through this App and also the working time of the shop with holiday list.

I found a particular option useful and that is the stock list of the shop, this brings in transparency.

The transactions for the month and previous months are available under the head பரிவர்த்தனைகள்

The profile page has got all the details and this is similar to your first page of your erstwhile Card.

Finally lot of questions are to be answered 
1. Do everyone is expected to have a smart phone.

2. Does this really arrest the bogus cards

Definitely this is a welcome move but this can be improved by bringing in additional controls.

One thing I would love to bring as part of an enhancement is to pick the age of the head of the family and if they are senior citizens then deliver the goods at their address. 

Currently in the profile page we are not able to upload our photo, this should be enabled that too a family picture has to be there in place and a rule that the distribution of articles will be made only to those in the picture. These small things will save lot of resources to Goverment and the ROI on this feature will be high and recoup of investment will be in lesser time.

It is still in the nascent stage and hope all the feedback are taken into account to make this more user friendly and also use control measures to prevent fraud. 

Hope for the best!!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

God's Particle

Recently the term CERN has been ringing in my ears very frequently which I have never heard of before and that created some interest in learning about CERN. The term CERN came into me when I was reading about Nataraja (Lord Shiva at Chidambaram). Later when googled came to know that the term CERN is associated with Physics and this subject is several light years ahead from me as I always treated that subject like an alien. 

Are you interested in finding the link between CERN and Tillainathar? Similar to me, you will get plenty when you google it, will try to consolidate my reading here.

My association with the subject “Physics” concluded with my graduation where I took this as an ancillary subject. Similar to Thirukural, I was keen on reading from the perspective of scoring marks and the intent was never to do a deep dive to understand the related intricacies. Off-late realizing the importance of Kural and now after comprehending the relation between Physics and Hinduism and the significance provided by western scientist make me feel crestfallen.

Will share my findings and learning, also make sure that less of deep physics is imparted as part of this article and people interested can further google to find out more elaborate sections.

Understanding 4 major fragment and the linkage of each on other will help and hence the flow is….

The acronym CERN originally represented the French words for Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research), established at Geneva (France and Swiss border) by 12 European governments in 1952. The laboratory was originally devoted to study of atomic nuclei, but was soon applied to higher-energy physics, concerned mainly with the study of interactions between subatomic particles.

On June 18th 2004, a 2 meter tall statue of Lord Natarajar was installed in the premises of this organization, the plaque alongside the statue states
In the Hindu religion, this form of the dancing Lord Shiva is known as the Nataraja and symbolises Shakti, the belief is that Lord Shiva danced the Universe into existence, motivates it, and will eventually extinguish it. It is the clearest image of the activity of God which any art or religion can boast of.


Several thousand years ago this form of dancing Shiva was conceptualized by us, now the modern scientist says "every subatomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction…without end” 

The metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology and modern physics.

God’s particle ( Sub Atomic particle)
Before this study, I have never heard of this term too. I never knew that for the year 2013 the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded for the invention of God’s particle. Yes, it was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Englert for invention of ‘Higgs Boson’ particle that was nick named as God’s Particle. Why only Higgs name is being associated with this and why not the other and what is Boson? The same set of questions came to my mind and further study revealed interesting facts and association of an Indian to this invention.

Term Boson was derived from Satyendra Nath Bose (1894 to 1974), from a tiny village in west Bengal he reached pinnacle in Physics. His article on quantum physics to Albert Einstein in 1920s paved way for Bose-Einstein partnership and that resulted in famous Bose-Einstein condensate, there was immense contribution by this theory towards this invention. Initially I was surprised that in those era of pre-independence with limited availability of resources how someone could contribute to quantum physics. Later on realized that we have contributed to the same subject several thousand years ago by creating a form of Shiva called Nataraja.

Currently CERN’s infrastructure is being used to prove the existence of this subatomic particle. As with any scientific discovery, God’s amazing creation of universe becomes more and more impressive as we learn more about it.

String Theory 
String theory is one of the most famous ideas in modern physics, but it is also one of the most confusing. Recently lot of studies on this theory is undertaken and CERN plays vital role in these studies. 
 This theory in lay man term defines that every single particle in universe is connected to other particle through a string which cannot be seen through instruments. Simple example could be, We see earth rotating around sun, both celestial body are connected to each other and are joined by strings that hold them together.

Though the first study on this subject erupted in 1960s, still this theory is evolving and the research on this subject is being greeted by scientist and have already been applied to variety of problems in black hole physics, nuclear physics etc., The attached relationship diagram of this theory depicts our findings several thousand years ago and close resemblance to the statue.

The intent of this article is to share my learning and astonishment and not to impart any ideologies. The astonishment is several here and the foremost is that every matter consist of atoms which cannot be either seen or felt but these atomic particles are governed by subatomic particles that has been christened as God’s particle.