Thursday, October 13, 2016


This is in continuation to my earlier article on the App TNEPDS, which you can download from Google play store. This is going to be used for Public Distribution System in TN.

As I shared earlier using this App you can update the Aadhaar card details to link your card and no need to visit the shop.

Now let us get a glimpse of some features on this App.

You will get a password to your registered mobile and in Tamil it is called (உள்நுழைவு), I like the Tamil word for password.

Using the password we need to login and the landing screen looks like the one on the left.

The first is your eligibility for a month and it is called உரிமம் and it list down the articles you are eligible.

It has a place to register a compliant through this App and also the working time of the shop with holiday list.

I found a particular option useful and that is the stock list of the shop, this brings in transparency.

The transactions for the month and previous months are available under the head பரிவர்த்தனைகள்

The profile page has got all the details and this is similar to your first page of your erstwhile Card.

Finally lot of questions are to be answered 
1. Do everyone is expected to have a smart phone.

2. Does this really arrest the bogus cards

Definitely this is a welcome move but this can be improved by bringing in additional controls.

One thing I would love to bring as part of an enhancement is to pick the age of the head of the family and if they are senior citizens then deliver the goods at their address. 

Currently in the profile page we are not able to upload our photo, this should be enabled that too a family picture has to be there in place and a rule that the distribution of articles will be made only to those in the picture. These small things will save lot of resources to Goverment and the ROI on this feature will be high and recoup of investment will be in lesser time.

It is still in the nascent stage and hope all the feedback are taken into account to make this more user friendly and also use control measures to prevent fraud. 

Hope for the best!!!!


  1. I have downloaded the app and we infact did adhaar linking to our ration card from home. It's very useful.
    I also thought about the photo uploading, but as u say this is in a nascent stage.

  2. I have downloaded the app and we infact did adhaar linking to our ration card from home. It's very useful.
    I also thought about the photo uploading, but as u say this is in a nascent stage.

  3. The complete format of TNePDS is the public distribution system in Tamil Nadu. This provides all the information about the ration card. The old-age pensioner must confirm the Ration store before adding the details of the Aadhaar card.
