Sunday, January 1, 2017

Snippet - துணுக்குகள் 01 / 17

I have been persuading myself to include snippet as part of my Blog, with this started my first edition for 2017 though not as part of my 2017 resolution whereas the resolution is to find a suitable Tamil name for each header hence the name "துணுக்குகள்"

Actually Snippet implies small and interesting news or information, I will try to pick some major that gets unnoticed by most of us since we are tied down with our routine busy schedule. 

X replaces E

Last year it was NEET (National eligibility & Entrance test) for medical college aspirants and now it is NEXT (National Exit Test) for those who leave medical colleges.

After a hard tussle of 5 1/2 years irrespective of further education or practice medical students need to finish NEXT. The logical reason quoted by Indian Medical council is that NEXT will standardize and improve the quality of medical education and help to benchmark which means this will equate a student from X university to that of Y university.
Personally I am not able to understand the logic, IMC (Indian Medical Council) accepts that there is no standardization in the education. Ideal solution should be
  • Standardize  the syllabus across the nation
  • Ensure  that quality faculty and infrastructure  are available in all colleges

Instead of IMC taking responsibility it is shedding and transferring it to students in the name of standardization.I could foresee only one result, student’s NEXT score will be used by medical colleges to attract more ignorant people and become billionaires from millionaires by these business tycoons.

CESS follows Insurance Premium

Railways want to create a safety fund of 1 lakh crore and requested Finance ministry to sponsor 93% from its budget. However it has been agreed at 25% so for the deficit a cess will be levied from passengers.  I believe this is an outcome of the recent derailments that happened. Normally in our CAPA (Corrective Action & Preventive Action) we quote negligence as the reason for most of the transaction errors. Similarly these people have a common reason for the safety failure “Inadequate Fund”.

We have to wait and watch how this fund creation impacts on the number of accidents. We need to THANK the person who mooted this proposal, reason being this is not part of another CESS in Income tax. It would have been if Finance Ministry accepted the 93% proposal.

Recently the Insurance premium was included as part of the ticket and we all know who gets benefited. Soon we can expect water charges considering the scarcity of water or these educated brats will find an avenue to increase revenue.

IOC Vs IOA Vs Sports Ministry

Like the 5 circles that represent Olympics,Politics and Sports are always tangled together and the intrusion of former is inevitable. But in this country alone we can witness the filthy part due to the invasion of politicians. 

Currency not only plays a pivotal role in electing the General Sectary of a Political party but also in electing President of IOA (Indian Olympic Association).

Suresh Kalmadi’s and Abhay Chautala’s election as life president of IOA clearly indicates how money plays its role in sports. This subject was brought into the agenda of IOA AGM as a last item to maintain its secrecy and got elected. As per the norms a person convicted cannot be elected but in this case how an exception was taken is unclear. 

Obliviously Sports Ministry headed by rival party of Kalmadi will react and they have taken a resolution not to fund IOA until the decision is reversed. Out of the two one is defiant that he will step down if IOC( International Olympic Committee) asks him to whereas Kalmadi refused the position  till he is cleared from CWG games issue.
Let us keep our fingers crossed on IOC decision.Undeniably this impacts our next Olympic preparation if this is stretched beyond some months.


  1. Good start. Looking forward to read these info often and get updates along with your take on those news!
    Good Luck!!!

  2. R.R. Lakshminarasimhan(Prabha)January 5, 2017 at 7:49 PM

    Again I'm amazed as to how you can grab so many things to read write travel and give your impressions on various subjects. Hats off to you and I really salute you for your efforts.
