Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Bhangaya Kala

Making of Kala. This is not about any movie whereas it’s a real short story from my office.

In my office the house keeping staffs will have different costumes depending on the work they execute.

Red colour for those who work in the toilet area and Black overcoat with tie for those who work in the pantry area. Floor supervisor will have different to distinguish.

Kishore a guy from other side of Vindhyas mountain with Red Tshirt costume has been working for a year now. Meticulous Guy. Often I admire his attitude towards his task, with minimum supervision he on his own ensures not only cleanliness but also during spare time takes up other tasks that uplifts the place. Be it polishing of Tap or the mirror, name any he will do it on his own. Seldom these people are observed or motivated in our always-engaged schedule.

This week I saw a guy in pantry area filling up the coffee vending machine who was alike Kishore but the costume was different. With a microscopic stare realized that it was same Kishore with black overcoat and tie. With a bit of astonishment started a conversation with him and came to know that he was promoted which did not surprise me. The guy deserves this elevation. My only piece of advise to him was not to sojourn with this elevation and stop proclaiming “ From where to Here” instead he should ponder about “From Here to There”.

During my conversation, the stress was on the aspect of "Kahan se Yahaan nei….Yahaan se Vahaan"….Only thing he should fix is his Vahaan with a timeline to reach. He moved away with a ray of optimism in his eyes that gave a confidence to me that I will soon see this guy in a different costume.

Would like to share another experience encountered during recent train journey from Bangalore to Chennai. A couple along with two kids were travelling and I happened to be their co-passenger. The permissive parents were able to handle the hyperactive kids for an hour. Later on with more energy flowing from kids the couple had no option but to change the style that oriented towards Authoritarian. I was thoroughly enjoying every bit of the drama and at times relate my personal experience with Ananya's mischeifs during her infancy.

When any one of the kids shoe touches me, then either of the parent will start shouting at the kids. “ Uncle mela kaal touch aguthu paaru” “Uncle la disturb pannatha” etc… That touch of shoe has never disturbed my deep sleep but I will woke up due to the yelling from either of them. I did share my thoughts with the parents that the kids never troubled me when compared to their yelling. In fact to some extent I enjoyed all those mischief.

This paved way for some exquisite thoughts to deliberate. 

How easily an external stimuli makes changes to our nature as a grown up but not for those kids. In this case me acting as a stimulus to change the nature of parents from indulgent. Kids are always natural and never heed the surroundings. These hypocritical acts of adults not only shows a dirty picture but also flags off health hazards internally. Ending the episode with a wish, that either we should be always kids or carry the innocent heart when we grow. Both are next to impossible. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

MAIDEN GIRIVALAM @ Tiruvannamalai

The month of February 2018 was remarkable for me, I was able to check out couple of big tickets from my to-do list. Tiruvannamalai Giri Pradakshina was staying on the top among the first 3 items of the list.

During a recent conversation, a person wanted to have a discussion on this place and I had to stop the conversation and told him that I will not be able to comment since I have not experienced. That person expressed his surprise since he knows I travel a lot and have not been to this place. Response was I would be able to only if HE desires/commands.

What better day could I ask for in sowing that thought into me, Masi (11th month of Tamil calendar) and a combination of Magha star and Full moon day. Being a mid-day of a week, doubts of getting approved leave was hovering the entire day, considering the communication from my Boss that this week was important due to people visiting from other geographies. There were couple of meeting with those folks that needed my participation and presence.

I put up this request to Mahaperiva and sought his help to pick me out of this agony. Usually for an unplanned leave or permission, I will select from a bunch of tarot cards that consist of untruth stories built around health of family members. Exceptionally this time the thought of providing the true reason erupted and told my Boss the real reason. Without any word it was approved to my astonishment with an order it will be for a day alone and subsequently booked my bus ticket prior to few hours of travel. I was shocked to witness the pace at which the things were falling in place and helping me. Some folks in office wanted to join which I did not reciprocate since I want it all alone and do the Pradakshina in silence. According to scriptures, the walk around the Hill should be conducted at a slow pace either in silence, thoughts on to the Hill of Fire or one could sing and listen to songs of HIM

I was told the crowd on this particular day would be humongous and hence sought an aid from a person who stays in that town which was declined gently due to his travel plans. I have to fall back on Mahaperiva again to sort the things out and with his blessing started around 23.00 hrs from Bangalore.

Reached there around 3.30 in the morning and was checking with people around Rajagopuram who had completed the circumambulation on the route. With that help started around 4.00 am all alone with stillness in mind and emitting HIS name. Till Ramana Ashram I was alone and slowly crowd gathered and two women who were walking along were playing audio of Thiruvasagam from their phone. During the interval between two verses it was filled with “ Jaya Jaya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara”. In that pitch dark and deep silence that was loud and clear message from Periva.

Sri Bhagvan Ramanar told “The greatness of this Giri Pradakshina has been described at length in ‘Arunachala Puranam’. To go round this hill is good. The word ‘Pradakshina’ has a typical meaning. The letter ‘Pra’ stands for removal of all kinds of sins; ‘da’ stands for fulfilling the desires; ‘kshi’ stands for freedom from future births; ‘na’ stands for giving deliverance through Jnana.” Really, it is difficult to describe the pleasure and the happiness one gets by this Pradakshina. The body gets tired, the sense organs lose their strength and all the activities of the body become absorbed within. It is possible thus to forget oneself and get into a state of meditation. As one continues to walk, the body automatically gets harmonized as in the Asana state. The body therefore becomes improved in health. Besides this, there are several varieties of medicinal herbs on the hill. The air that passes over those herbs is good for the lungs”.

Completed the Girivallam in 3 hours and with a skeptic thought in mind of standing in a long serpentine queue entered the Rajagopuram. To my wonder completed the darshan in less than an hour and was waiting for Urchavar to start the theerthavari procession towards Pallikondanpattu. The pinnacle of Masi Magha is this event “ Theerthavari”. The procession started around 10.00 am towards that village which is not far. This event happens at a place 6 kms away from Tiruvannamalai called “ Pallikonda Pattu”. I was not able to keep the pace of the procession after the tiring Girivallam so hired an Auto and reached the place before the arrival of Urchavar. Pooja was performed by temple authorities at a small mandapam constructed on the riverbanks after immersion of idol.

Each temple has its own myth of celebrating Masi Makam, in the case of Arunachaleswar Temple, the legend for Masi Makam is related to King Vallalan and Lord Shiva. King Vallalan of Tiruvannamalai was an ardent devotee of the Lord, and he had no child. He felt very bad that there is no descendants to perform his last rites and Shradh ceremonies. Lord Shiva in all his compassion appeared in front of the King in the form of a small lad and assured him that He would take the personal responsibility of performing his last rites and the Shradha ceremonies every year. To fulfill His word, the Lord appeared on the day when the king departed on the day of Masi Magam and performed the last rites of the King. The Lord also assured that those individuals who take a holy dip on this day will attain liberation with His blessings. . The promise is still remembered in Tiruvannamalai and each year King Vallalan’s funeral is re-enacted to commemorate the event. This was a grandeur event.

In a concluding verse on King Vallalan in the Arunachala Puranam we could trace this event that Lord Siva undertakes to perform King Vallalan’s funeral rites for him, a task which is normally performed by the son of the deceased Lord Shiva also blessed the king by saying that whoever bathes in the sea during Masi Magam will merge with him and will get ‘mukthi.’

With tired physical body but fully charged internally and with a bit of heavy heart started my return journey to Bangalore and reached around 16.00 hrs. If someone would have told the previous day around the same time that next day will be a memorable one I would have laughed at their ignorance.   For more pictures click here - Pictures and Videos

This surprise element of life could be termed as “Destiny” and I effusively accept this with AVAN ARULALE AVAN THAL VANAGI