Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Bhangaya Kala

Making of Kala. This is not about any movie whereas it’s a real short story from my office.

In my office the house keeping staffs will have different costumes depending on the work they execute.

Red colour for those who work in the toilet area and Black overcoat with tie for those who work in the pantry area. Floor supervisor will have different to distinguish.

Kishore a guy from other side of Vindhyas mountain with Red Tshirt costume has been working for a year now. Meticulous Guy. Often I admire his attitude towards his task, with minimum supervision he on his own ensures not only cleanliness but also during spare time takes up other tasks that uplifts the place. Be it polishing of Tap or the mirror, name any he will do it on his own. Seldom these people are observed or motivated in our always-engaged schedule.

This week I saw a guy in pantry area filling up the coffee vending machine who was alike Kishore but the costume was different. With a microscopic stare realized that it was same Kishore with black overcoat and tie. With a bit of astonishment started a conversation with him and came to know that he was promoted which did not surprise me. The guy deserves this elevation. My only piece of advise to him was not to sojourn with this elevation and stop proclaiming “ From where to Here” instead he should ponder about “From Here to There”.

During my conversation, the stress was on the aspect of "Kahan se Yahaan nei….Yahaan se Vahaan"….Only thing he should fix is his Vahaan with a timeline to reach. He moved away with a ray of optimism in his eyes that gave a confidence to me that I will soon see this guy in a different costume.

Would like to share another experience encountered during recent train journey from Bangalore to Chennai. A couple along with two kids were travelling and I happened to be their co-passenger. The permissive parents were able to handle the hyperactive kids for an hour. Later on with more energy flowing from kids the couple had no option but to change the style that oriented towards Authoritarian. I was thoroughly enjoying every bit of the drama and at times relate my personal experience with Ananya's mischeifs during her infancy.

When any one of the kids shoe touches me, then either of the parent will start shouting at the kids. “ Uncle mela kaal touch aguthu paaru” “Uncle la disturb pannatha” etc… That touch of shoe has never disturbed my deep sleep but I will woke up due to the yelling from either of them. I did share my thoughts with the parents that the kids never troubled me when compared to their yelling. In fact to some extent I enjoyed all those mischief.

This paved way for some exquisite thoughts to deliberate. 

How easily an external stimuli makes changes to our nature as a grown up but not for those kids. In this case me acting as a stimulus to change the nature of parents from indulgent. Kids are always natural and never heed the surroundings. These hypocritical acts of adults not only shows a dirty picture but also flags off health hazards internally. Ending the episode with a wish, that either we should be always kids or carry the innocent heart when we grow. Both are next to impossible. 

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