Monday, November 9, 2009

Recession - Need for Gear Change

An American Red Cross employee in Vermont recently started a new business: Recession Ride Taxi. Displaying recession-era innovation at its finest, he doubled up his SUV as a taxi and printed the words "Pay What You Can" at the back, asking patrons to pay what they feel is decent. He says he’s never been stiffed, and business is pretty good with him making over $600 in two weeks. ( We have invented this long time back ....Share Auto....)

With a slightly larger amount at stake is Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch, who suffered losses of over £2 billion as a result of collapse in advertising revenues, pushing him to describe 2009 as the “most difficult in recent history.” His solution? Charge customers for accessing the online news content of his newspapers.

Clearly, the tough economic environment has prompted individuals and companies to relook at the way they do business and has spawned alternative retooling of cost structures. For providers in the outsourcing space, this transformation comes in the form of the ‘pay as you go’ business model where transaction pricing is based on the number of transactions.

For instance, in the accounts payable world, you can either get paid based on the number of full time employees or the number of invoices you process (pay by drink) However, as you improve the rate of processing invoices, if you ask a CFO what their ideal situation is, they won’t say they need us to process it at 1 cent lower cost or 2 days faster--they’ll want more discounts from their suppliers – the lowest possible price. And the ultimate evolution of this model would be when the provider gets paid based on the delivery of those metrics.

Courtesy - Tiger COO- Genpact

Friday, November 6, 2009

Getting admission into Business – School

Please do not go by the subject, certainly this is not about getting admission into Masters in Business, it is about getting admission for kids in school which is run like Business.

Last one month I am running pillars to post in the process of seeking admission for Ananya (my kid) who is 5 years and need to start 1st Standard for the academic year starting 2010.

One of the school which has plans till next millennium treats and greets each parent as Customer and this is absolutely true the way they run the school oops…sorry Business. I even heard that they call Parents as Customers in the PTA meetings.

Another school which associates itself to Gold (Pon), was like a tiny island in the mid of Valasarvakkam when Nisha swept Chennai in November 2008, demands close to six digit as fees for the entire first year.

When I was stag and people talk about getting school admission I used to make fun of them, now I am in their shoes dancing to the tunes to school administrative people.

After getting admission I would have become an expert and could start helping others in getting admission.

Will keep you all posted on my success in getting admission for my kid.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Customer Service - Unlimited Boundary

This is one of my pending wish for a long start one and share my experiences with everyone. I need to thank my mentor on this who has created an interest in me and have enjoyed his posting...... With that comes my first edition.

Received an SMS early morning...." Times strike unable to deliver ....." from an unknown person.
Throughout the morning would have opened the door several times to check on the hanging newspaper but in vain. Started to office cursing the paperwala for his punctuality. During lunch time while cleaning up my mailbox in my handset came across the above SMS and called the unknown person to check the source.....Really surprised to hear a voice from other end who has recognized me and said that Times of India's agents are holding a strike and hence he has sent an SMS to each of his customer and went on to add that he will substitute with THE HINDU if it continues.....the voice is none other than paperwala
Amazed by his boundary less customer service...We need people with this attitude in our industry and this particular person is a school dropout....All I can do is appreciate his efforts and share this experience with you all.