Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Customer Service - Unlimited Boundary

This is one of my pending wish for a long start one and share my experiences with everyone. I need to thank my mentor on this who has created an interest in me and have enjoyed his posting...... With that comes my first edition.

Received an SMS early morning...." Times strike unable to deliver ....." from an unknown person.
Throughout the morning would have opened the door several times to check on the hanging newspaper but in vain. Started to office cursing the paperwala for his punctuality. During lunch time while cleaning up my mailbox in my handset came across the above SMS and called the unknown person to check the source.....Really surprised to hear a voice from other end who has recognized me and said that Times of India's agents are holding a strike and hence he has sent an SMS to each of his customer and went on to add that he will substitute with THE HINDU if it continues.....the voice is none other than paperwala
Amazed by his boundary less customer service...We need people with this attitude in our industry and this particular person is a school dropout....All I can do is appreciate his efforts and share this experience with you all.


  1. hello ganesh - Nice to see you start blogging -Good start -- keep blogging and sharing
    PS: can i send my paperwala for training to yours ? My paperwala simpmly decides on his own what to deliver !!

  2. Ganesh good beginning should I say and Congratulations for this beginning. KS (Knowledge Sharing) is always good...

    On "paperwala", I can't agree more than what Sri has said. On November 1st 2009 our "paperwala" just threw the newspaper into our Water Sump. We did not know this fact and were waiting for the Newspaper and upon investigating this we found the Newspaper in the Sump. The Agent when informed did not even bother to apolgoise for this act. Truly these are two extremes of Servicing - aren't they...Ravishankar
