Friday, November 6, 2009

Getting admission into Business – School

Please do not go by the subject, certainly this is not about getting admission into Masters in Business, it is about getting admission for kids in school which is run like Business.

Last one month I am running pillars to post in the process of seeking admission for Ananya (my kid) who is 5 years and need to start 1st Standard for the academic year starting 2010.

One of the school which has plans till next millennium treats and greets each parent as Customer and this is absolutely true the way they run the school oops…sorry Business. I even heard that they call Parents as Customers in the PTA meetings.

Another school which associates itself to Gold (Pon), was like a tiny island in the mid of Valasarvakkam when Nisha swept Chennai in November 2008, demands close to six digit as fees for the entire first year.

When I was stag and people talk about getting school admission I used to make fun of them, now I am in their shoes dancing to the tunes to school administrative people.

After getting admission I would have become an expert and could start helping others in getting admission.

Will keep you all posted on my success in getting admission for my kid.


  1. whats the result now? where did you get the admission ... i mean the business tie up ?!?!?

  2. Still looking for a partner....
