Monday, June 28, 2010

Promise Accomplished. Yet Again !!!!…

Promise Accomplished. Yet Again !!!!…

Six years ( flash ) back, yours truly has promised Prathiba ( Better Half ) that every alternate year will have vacation.
This promise was made during our honey moon and I am proud that I am able to fulfill till 2010

2004 - Goa (Honey Moon)
2006 - Madikere, Coorg & Mysore
2008 - Kolkata, Cuttack
2010 - Ooty

Want to make 2010 a different one from the previous promises ( Trips ) and hence planned in a such a way that it should be a memorable one ….hence Prathiba’s birthday ( May 30th) was chosen as the day.

Unlike previous years this time it was difficult since I have to take care of my grown up daughter, both Mudumalai and Black Thunder came to my rescue.

Thanks to Google search engine for aiding me in identifying a hotel and IRCTC for getting tickets.

Started on May 28th and returned back on June 2nd, away from laptop and anonymous (irritating) calls that lands up in our mobile.

Lingering pleasant moments are….

 Decent hotel @ good deal.
 Place was selected so that we are away from noise commotion. It is on the
gateway of Ooty from Conoor. Downside is lot of walking…
 On the verge of closing stages of season…fewer crowds…
 Fortunate to have Enthusiastic & buoyant cabwala
 Finally all the 5 days are treasured moments

Forgettable moments are…

 Potential loss of Ananya in the Black Thunder horde. Almost lost her.
 No wild animals in Mudhumalai.
 Pollution. Lot of hoardings on plastics being banned in Ooty but you can see heaps of plastics.

Learning from the trip …
Big ONE…Never ever trust an unknown person….( Left Ananya with a women till we finish a ride and almost lost her)



  1. //Learning from the trip …
    Big ONE…Never ever trust an unknown person….( Left Ananya with a women till we finish a ride and almost lost her)//

    Ganesh - I couldn't imagine it.…. Anyhow… it’s worth to share/warn all.

    BTW, hope you would have enjoyed the trip well…

    Note : Thoppa konjam adhigama theriyudu Ganesh… take care.

  2. Balaji S said...
    Great write up Ganesh...great to know that you are keeping your promise to your wife..Key to Marriage bliss!!

    Lessons learnt - Ananya - frightening..Our Special prayer for her long life
    S Balaji - FBSc

  3. Nice blog Ganesh anna. The pictures are great. Good to know that you all had a memorable time. Scared to learn that you almost lost Ananya !!
    Very happy to know that you have been able to keep your promise to manni so far.

  4. Ganesh
    glad to note that you had a good time -- You write ups shows that if you plan well , everything should work -- You did that...
    How could you do that -- leaving your daughter with a unknown - I will let your Akka know what you did -- Some bashan from her will help.
    Good that you kept your promise but did that meet expectations >? Would be interesting to hear about that !

  5. Sri...No the bar has been raised and the order is our next trip should be outside India....
    I should have left my wife with that unknown person.....
