Saturday, January 30, 2016

Pratinandan Voyage - 2

Though this travel was alone there was no compromise on planning, as usual Google’s help was sought and booked a hotel and got a highly competitive taxi rate from

List of the temples( as mentioned in my previous blog) along with the Google map was sent to Senthil (Driver) through Whatsapp for better planning. He was little surprised with the list since it did not have navagraha temples and even called to check with me.

As soon as I landed at the station the driver was available and we started after me completing the routine and heavy breakfast, the list was tweaked by Senthil and I left that to the expert.

The etymology of the Sanskrit word Guru is very interesting. Of the word Guru, GU stands for darkness and RU for dispeller thus arriving at the meaning "dispeller of darkness".
Guru is the one who leads from illusion to illumination by imparting the knowledge of the absolute reality. Since this entire trip is meant for Guru(refer previous blog), hence start at Alangudi was inevitable and has to end at Tapovanam and these instructions were given to Senthil so that he can modify without touching the extremes.

Information that has been provided here are from various sources which was collected before my travel and also during my interaction with respective gurukal of that temple.

During my visit I was able to observe one thing in common and that was all those temples where the navagraha parikara is being associated there was a good turnout of people but could seldom see people in those temples that are rich in history or architecture.Probably that could be the reason for associating parikara with temples.

Alangudi - Arulmigu Abathsagayeswarar Temple
This is my second visit to this place. Lord Shiva is Suyambu here and the Goddess is “Sri Elavarkuzhali Ammai” (Umayammai). This is the place where Lord consumed the deadly poison as emitted during paarkadal hence the name Alangudi and Abathsagayeswarar meaning one who defends from the danger. Sundarar not only received his Gnana upadesam after his darshanam of Dakshinamurthy at this sthalam but also received help from Lord to cross the nearby river which was in full spate. There is also a saying that Lord Ganesha destroyed Gajamuhasuran in this place, so this Vinayagar called as "Kalangamal Kaaththa Vinayagar" which you will find as soon as you enter.

Click here for Photos 

Thirunaraiyur - Naachiyaar Koil
The presiding deity is Lord Srinivasa and the goddess is Vanjulavalli Thayar.This was the 71st temple built by the Chozha king and 1st Vaishnavite temple, previous all were Saivite Temples. Hence, this temple has a lot of resemblance to Saivite temples, in its form and structure. This is the temple where there is no separate sannidhi for Goddess and she is given more prominence and seen together with the Lord in the main sanctum. Lord Brahma will be inside the main sanctum and this is the only place where you will find him along with Lord and his consort.
On all occasions, the first rights are reserved for the Nachiyar. Even the food is first served to the Nachiyar and only then to the Naraiyur Nambi( there is a big story behind the importance, you can get it from various sources).

On a lighter note, Lord was of the view that in Kali Yuga men would have to listen to women (husband to listen to wife’s words). Hence, much before that, he decided that he would first serve as an example and listens to the Goddess here and give importance.

Why a Vaishnav temple in the list of Saiva temples could be a good question to ponder, the reason being in this place the Lord himself acted as Guru and initiated Pancha Samaskaaram( Identity for a true Vaishnavaite) to Thiru Mangai Azhvaar . I will not go into the details of pancha samaskaaram and story of Alwar considering the space, you can anyway google to find more details.

This temple is famous for Kal Garudar(garuda made of stone), a huge and well built Lord Garuda is seen just next to Lord Srinivasa’s Sannidhi. Garuda, stands as the Vahanam to Narayur Nambi whereas Annam(Swan) is the Vahanam of the Goddess.
A strange phenomenon is famous here and happens twice in a year and it is magical where the weight of Garudar increases exponentially. While only 4 people carry Lord Garuda out of his Sannidhi, as the Lord goes out of each Layer or prakaram, he is said to increase in weight, that 8 people, 16 and then 32 people are required to carry Lord Garuda out of the temple. Finally, when the Lord is taken outside the temple, Garuda increases in weight so much that 128 people are required to carry the Lord. On his way back, it is said that Garuda decreases in weight and finally when he is back in the Sannidhi, only 4 people are required to carry him. You can also have glimpse of Garudar, sweating during the procession and handmade fans are in full swing to pacify him.

The relevance here is that during processions, Thayar on swan moves faster and ahead of Garudar who has to follow her due to the miracle of weight increase and this is to fulfill the promise of giving importance to her. Also you will find idols of all 108 Divya Desams at Nachiyar Koil. 

For ages 2 Eagles used to fly above this temple during pooja time and got Moksha(Year 1999) at this temple that took place on a day of Thiruvonam star which is same as that of His. These were buried and a shrine was built under a tree inside the temple.

Must see place during those festivals, please click the below link for a video.

Srivanchiyam is a small village near Nannilam and the presiding deity here is Sri Vanchinathan and his consort is Mangalambika. Considered to be “Mukthisthalam” (salvation) and holier than Varanasi (Kasi).Here the Shivalingam is Swayambu( self manifested) and faces both East and West and hence there are 2 Nandhis and pooja are performed in both directions. The lingam is supposed to have existed even before pralaya and after paralaya turned to the other direction, this lingam is considered to be the world’s oldest swayanmbu lingam. Here the Goddess take 3 roopams during the day, Durgai, Mahalakshmi and Saraswathy in the evening.

On entering the temple you will find big tank on your right called Gupta Gangai, Ganges was once worried that people were taking bath in Ganges to get rid of their sins and all are accumulated by her. As advised by Lord to purify herself she had a dip at this tank and hence this name.
Another significant aspect of this temple is separate shrine for Yama lord of death, as soon as we enter on our left. Similar to Ganges he also felt overwhelmed with all sins and want to shed the same. Pleased by his penance Lord granted him to have separate shrine and importance too. So the process is to have a dip in the tank and visit Yama shrine and then the routine of vinayagar and to Lord and Goddess etc.,

This shrine is more linked with curing ailments where you will find “Vennai Vinayagar” where people smear butter on His smotach to get cured of stomach ailments.
Also we have Yoga Bhairavar where it is believed that if one consumes the powder of vanni leaves used to perform pooja to Bhairavar will remove nervous ailments and also get rid of evils that are directed. In this temple there is no navagraha since this temple came into place before advent of navagrahas,instead you can offer the same to Mahishasuramardhini.

Performing Tharpanam here (ritual to ancestors) on Amavasya is considered very sepecial, Srivanchiyam is one of the 7 pithru kadan nivarthi sthalams. The other six are Kasi, Rameswaram, Thrivenkadu, Gaya, Thiriveni Sangamam and Thilatharpanapuri.

Click the below video link that will provide more insight about this temple, met this Gurukal Rajaraja sivachaiyar and told him that about his interview etc., he was on cloud nine. Was privileged to view abhishegam for all deities performed by a family.


“திருப்பங்கள் வேண்டி திருபாம்புரம் வாரீர்”
This temple is 25 kms from Kumbakonam towards Karaikal and the deity is Sri Seshapureeswarar and his consort is Prabarambigai. The King of Serpents Nagarajan, Karkotakan, Bhrama and Agasthyar are said to have worshipped Shiva here. It is said that 3 days a week snake is seen near the God or Goddess. The temple history suggests that snakes are present at this temple and every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday odors of Jasmine and Thazampu are also present.

Though I visited this place on Friday noon ( Ragu Kalam), I was told that normally the snake visit happens early morning. We can a see picture and they have framed the Skin of snake that was left as a mala to lord(close to 9 feet).
There is a fact that people do not die of snake bite at this place and no history of snake bites although a lot of snakes are seen in this area.
Once Lord Vinayagar was offering prayers to Lord Shiva. At that time the serpent in the neck of the Lord thought that he too is worshipped by Vinayagar. Knowing this Lord Shiva got angry and cursed the serpents to lose all their Shakthi. In order to retrieve it Aadiseshan and other serpents came to earth in one Maha Shiva Rathri and offered prayers to Kudanthai Nageshwarar in the morning, Thirunageshwaram at the noon, Thirupamburam Pambureswarar in the evening and Nagoor Nageshwarar at the night and got the blessings of the Lord.

Since the nagas used Banyan tree’s vizhudhu as thread and Agathi flower for the mala, even today the vizhudhu of banyana tree will not touch the ground and agathi flower will not bloom in this place. Sivarathri in the month of Masi is famous due to the fact that these nagas got their moksham on that day. In this temple too you will not find navagrahas, the belief is that the main deity is more powerful. New and Full moon Sunday’s are very special, also Tuesday and Friday Raghu kalam.

You can also find Ashta Maha Nagam sannidhi, by offering prayers here it is believed that naga dosha due to killing of snake or dismantling the Puthu during house construction is removed. The prayer could be as simple as lighting ghee lamp.

With that ended by forenoon session, had a hefty typical Kumbakonam lunch and few hours of rest. Will come back soon with my evening session. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Pratinandan Voyage

As stated in my previous blog this will also revolve around travel, but on a different mission and elite on its own.

During the embryonic stage of this travel eyebrows were raised by few when I shared about the details of this journey and that includes Prathiba, friends and relatives.  I harmonize their astonishment since this is my first voyage all alone…Yes I embarked ALL alone to fulfill a personal desire.

I went through lot of interrogation from the above list of people, some were posted directly to me and for some I read their mind voice. They wanted to know the purpose of this journey, Is it undertaken for a cause? Or Is it recommended by an Astrologist to calm down the malefic effects of planetary positions. 

Being a son of renowned astrologer I will not discard the above questions but I am more matured and strongly believe that “ What will not happen will never happen, whatever effort one may put forth. And what will happen will not fail to happen, however much one may seek to prevent it.” All you need to do is observe and absorb.

Normally we expect HIM to think about us always but we seldom reciprocate the same and will certainly do during grim times. Emphatically I disagree and as illustrated in the header this cruise was explicitly undertaken with the only purpose to Pratinandan (thanks giving), for all those provided and strengthen the bonding. Recently the association has increased manifold through lots of reading from various sources. 
Moreover during various stages of life-cycle the priorities and available resources gets swapped,where in our early life we have time and physical strength but priorities were different. During later stages we have time and defined priority but no strength whereas I want to utilize all those resources that are currently available including the invaluable time at my disposal.

Coming back to my travel, these various places came up during my reading and want to experience the same and hence started all alone. The intent of this blog was to share the places visited with the importance of each of the places and how it came up which will be fairly interesting. 
Recently started learning some Vedic hymns and believe this to be part of the determined route of mine piloted by THE DRIVER.Learning commenced similar to the episode of Ekalavya & Dronar with the help of internet and the blessing of HH Maha Periva considering him as my Guru.Though the learning is an ongoing effort, a typical desire of a student is to exhibit the learning to Guru that will provide personal fulfillment. Thus the thought of reciting the learned part at Kanchi Brindavanam harvested and hence the travel to Kanchi and accomplished the desire.
Contemplating on the same orbit more notions aroused like reciting the anuvakam in Govindapuram Tapovanam. Came to know a list of temples which I have never heard off from the reference during my learning process, thus started the second travel to Kumbakonam.

The first column(3 places) has a direct link to HH Mahaperiva and people who follow will be able to understand the association. Rest of the places got appended either they are near or on the way or on the wish list of mine.
Completed my travel in 2 days and will try to share in two blogs each for a day. Though Govindapuram was first in the list and acted as an ignition for my travel, I visited this place as last and got a treasured experience which might require more space. 

While reading a craving to know about my learning would have occurred. Though I will share it at appropriate places in the subsequent blogs, some samples are shared in the below link.

I have experimented two new features in this blog those are sharing an Audio file and disabled the copy(lifted an open html code and placed in my blog)

Click here for Audio 1                           Click here for Audio 2                                       
Once you click the Audio link, you will get a player select the file and push the play icon to listen.

Some pictures from my Kanchi visit, Had a blissful dharshan and along with HH Mahaperiva blessing got home prasadam too.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Un autre Vacances

Header was borrowed from French which means Yet another vacation.

Yes indeed, Me & Prathiba along with Ananya have been venturing vacation on the eve of rollover of a new year for more than a decade now. We did fail on two occasions, Year 2006 was our settling down time in Hyderabad and due to a business trip of mine in year 2008.

Year 2015-16 was not an exception, had a good time.

In this electronic-age, the quality time spent with family is getting diminutive. Bulk part are being consumed by office and travel whereas the remaining time is swallowed by gadgets and social media like FB and Whatsapp. To prevail over this I ensured that the last 10 days in a year is dedicated to my family, any hurdle will be confronted and the mission will be embarked upon. I have been successful on this from the year 2007 and this peaked when my employer offered official shutdown during last week of December.

Though this is my opinion and everyone will agree, traversing many places promotes in learning different cultures and cultivates the habit of flexibility and adaptability not only to us but also to kids. Another reason is it provides opportunity to explore the beauty of our country, before age makes its dent to my physical features. However damages to my pocket is take care by time share units that helps me in salvaging the stay expenses.

Will share some fascinating moments starting with year 2015 

2015 – Mysore & Ooty
Despite the fact that this is our second trip to both the places, we unveiled a lot for the very first time
  • Laptop was not part of our baggage 
  • Self Driven vehicle
  • Travelled with another family ( Prathiba’s sister family)
  • Prathiba did not attend any official calls, I started this habit from year 2013
  • Had a different variety of Dosai at Mysore from Original Vinayaka Mylari Hotel( thanks to Google Maps).
    Only Dosai ( Plain and Masala) with Butter and Chutney ( no sambar) will be served at this tiny shop and the place can accommodate only max 15 people.                                           You will find big queue outside the shop that includes foreigners, also this carries a rating of 4.9 out of 5 from Zomato. Awesome and worth every penny.        
Other highlights are, Super driving by Ashok(BIL) in the arduous route of Masinagudi to Ooty and A2B came to rescue this foodie tongue in Ooty. ( First week for A2B to branch out in Ooty)

2014 – Rajasthan -Jaipur, Sariska( Tiger reserve forest)
Met a 50+ aged young man (Rakesh Sharma), an avid traveler who travels with family and  also a mountaineer.
Things I erudite from this pragmatic person was that age is not an impediment for

  • Passion(in his case travel), he drove from Delhi. Appreciate his compassionate quality, he carried some old clothes of the entire family from Delhi and gave to the local villagers in the forest. In reciprocation got some local delicacies and even had dinner with them.
  • Other trait that proved.... the age difference between the two sons is 15 years, this proves his fortitude.I confounded the first son to be his brother in law.
2013 – Kerala - Thekkady and Alleppey

Buildup to the Safari at Thekkady. Boat house stay at Alleppey and beach resort was memorable.

Poovar,Elephant ride and Trivandrum too had its own brilliance.

2012 – Sikkim – Gangtok
Travel to Gangtok itself was remarkable and the moments spent at Natulla Pass and Frozen lake Tsonga was awesome


2011- Singapore
Everything was brilliant

2010 – Delhi and Himachal
This one was for a long duration of 15 days, Rajdhani travel was unique on its own. Live snow at Shimla and skills of the cab driver who took us to Rhotang Pass were outstanding. Finally Taj was magnificent on its own.

2007 – West Bengal and Orissa
First flight travel for Ananya. Astonished  with the engineering marvel of Jaganath and Konark temple.

Bewildered with the massive size of Nandankanan Zoological Park.
First Metro and Tram ride for all of us in Kolkata and sweets…sweets…sweets…all time and every time…slurp..
My next one will also be on travel on a different mission...Wait....