Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Pratinandan Voyage

As stated in my previous blog this will also revolve around travel, but on a different mission and elite on its own.

During the embryonic stage of this travel eyebrows were raised by few when I shared about the details of this journey and that includes Prathiba, friends and relatives.  I harmonize their astonishment since this is my first voyage all alone…Yes I embarked ALL alone to fulfill a personal desire.

I went through lot of interrogation from the above list of people, some were posted directly to me and for some I read their mind voice. They wanted to know the purpose of this journey, Is it undertaken for a cause? Or Is it recommended by an Astrologist to calm down the malefic effects of planetary positions. 

Being a son of renowned astrologer I will not discard the above questions but I am more matured and strongly believe that “ What will not happen will never happen, whatever effort one may put forth. And what will happen will not fail to happen, however much one may seek to prevent it.” All you need to do is observe and absorb.

Normally we expect HIM to think about us always but we seldom reciprocate the same and will certainly do during grim times. Emphatically I disagree and as illustrated in the header this cruise was explicitly undertaken with the only purpose to Pratinandan (thanks giving), for all those provided and strengthen the bonding. Recently the association has increased manifold through lots of reading from various sources. 
Moreover during various stages of life-cycle the priorities and available resources gets swapped,where in our early life we have time and physical strength but priorities were different. During later stages we have time and defined priority but no strength whereas I want to utilize all those resources that are currently available including the invaluable time at my disposal.

Coming back to my travel, these various places came up during my reading and want to experience the same and hence started all alone. The intent of this blog was to share the places visited with the importance of each of the places and how it came up which will be fairly interesting. 
Recently started learning some Vedic hymns and believe this to be part of the determined route of mine piloted by THE DRIVER.Learning commenced similar to the episode of Ekalavya & Dronar with the help of internet and the blessing of HH Maha Periva considering him as my Guru.Though the learning is an ongoing effort, a typical desire of a student is to exhibit the learning to Guru that will provide personal fulfillment. Thus the thought of reciting the learned part at Kanchi Brindavanam harvested and hence the travel to Kanchi and accomplished the desire.
Contemplating on the same orbit more notions aroused like reciting the anuvakam in Govindapuram Tapovanam. Came to know a list of temples which I have never heard off from the reference during my learning process, thus started the second travel to Kumbakonam.

The first column(3 places) has a direct link to HH Mahaperiva and people who follow will be able to understand the association. Rest of the places got appended either they are near or on the way or on the wish list of mine.
Completed my travel in 2 days and will try to share in two blogs each for a day. Though Govindapuram was first in the list and acted as an ignition for my travel, I visited this place as last and got a treasured experience which might require more space. 

While reading a craving to know about my learning would have occurred. Though I will share it at appropriate places in the subsequent blogs, some samples are shared in the below link.

I have experimented two new features in this blog those are sharing an Audio file and disabled the copy(lifted an open html code and placed in my blog)

Click here for Audio 1                           Click here for Audio 2                                       
Once you click the Audio link, you will get a player select the file and push the play icon to listen.

Some pictures from my Kanchi visit, Had a blissful dharshan and along with HH Mahaperiva blessing got home prasadam too.


  1. Very interesting blog Ganesh. We get see another side Ganesh.

    Keep exploring & sharing all grounder Ganesh.

  2. Very interesting blog Ganesh. We get see another side Ganesh.

    Keep exploring & sharing all grounder Ganesh.

  3. Cool. Wish you the best in your overall journey and all the trips!

  4. I enjoyed reading and learning about your spiritual journey. I myself love to travel to temples and always try to know the history and story behind all the temples. Like you have mentioned in your blog I too believe that when you place your trust in God all the planets(even malefic) will fall in the proper positions.

    Looking forward to read about more of your spiritual visits.

  5. I enjoyed reading and learning about your spiritual journey. I myself love to travel to temples and always try to know the history and story behind all the temples. Like you have mentioned in your blog I too believe that when you place your trust in God all the planets(even malefic) will fall in the proper positions.

    Looking forward to read about more of your spiritual visits.

  6. Thanks Ganesh. Excellent. Will take ur guidance. Kumbakonam is in my list for a long time. Balaji Davey

  7. Thanks Ganesh. Excellent. Will take ur guidance. Kumbakonam is in my list for a long time. Balaji Davey

  8. Dear Anna, you seem to have found a balance between bhakti-yoga, jnana-yoga and karma-yoga. Look forward to reading your next blog.

  9. I think the below line is apt

    “ What will not happen will never happen, whatever effort one may put forth. And what will happen will not fail to happen, however much one may seek to prevent it.” All you need to do is observe and absorb.- Vijay

  10. Pratinandan voyage seems to be interesting topic, looking fwd for other blogs on your experience

  11. I liked the title a lot!!
    All you need to do is observe and absorb -- You have conveyed a lot of information in this one statement, Anna. Amazing patience to collate all the info and share it with the readers. Liked your planning and execution. Also your writing style is pretty good!!
    Keep continuing!!
    I sincerely pray Periyava that He gives you more strength and vairagyam to do more and more of this kind.

  12. Ganesh,

    Nicely penned and interesting information to read through.
    I liked your one liner - ‘All you need to do is observe and absorb’, very effective statement.
    Keep writing !!!
