Sunday, February 21, 2016

Parvathamalai - Southern Kailash - 2

As mentioned in my previous blog the team captain was Balaji Davey, who is renowned for meticulous planning. From 20+ the team size got reduced to 12 when each of them came to know the difficulties associated. Final team consisted of 12 whose age range was from 16 to 77 in which my Father-in-law was also a part.
The major factor for the reduction in size was the non availability of facilities. Since we planned an overnight stay on top of the hill then obviously this will play a crucial role, though we had a toilet at Ashram we need to carry water on our own or buy from the shops. Power is the second one, they have a genset and since the fuel is carried from the village all the way to the top it is used for couple of hours and then it is pitch dark, either the torch you carry or the kerosene lamp has to be used inside the Ashram.
We all assembled at CMBT and boarded the Van, also had a delicious breakfast at Sangeetha and Lunch at Polur Raja Mess. I have to admit that the lunch was one of the best I had recently and this was the feel of the entire team. Kudos to our captain for picking this one.

Finally reached Thenmadimanagalam village, parked our vehicle and took an auto to reach the foothill where the steps begin. Started around 15.00 hrs and finished our climb before darkness crept and all assembled in front of Ashram.

How to reach the summit- There are 3 ways to reach the top,

1. From Thenmadimangalam, this is relatively new and off late famous. Most devotees use this way where it consist of 1600 steps and at the end of the steps it joins the old route Kadaladi.

2. From Kadaladi, Old and this one is relatively tough, no steps and this is where the Mouna Guru Ashram is located. You have facilities to leave your vehicle, stay and use rest room. This route will be good for trekkers and one must follow the arrow symbols inside the forest. At the end this route meets the steps and as mentioned in my previous edition the tough part starts at the end of steps.

3. Kandha Palayam – This is not much used and very steep

We used 1st route to climb up and 2nd to descend and felt the return was more tiring and all were exhausted. The distance to trek is 7 kms and will take 4 hours for reasonably fit people to ascend and 6 hours maximum for others.

1st route has got lot of small shops all along the way till temple where you get refreshments that include water bottles, lemon soda, fruits etc.,

I met an old man during my ascend, he is 73 years old and he has been climbing the mountain twice a month from his age of 17 years. I was dumbfounded this should be his1344th trip for him.

Ashram @ Top
At the summit of the Hill is the Mouna Guruswamy Ashram where Swami Mouna Vithoba lived from year 1981 in a cave and was maintaining the Temple. After living for 16 years on the summit the saint came to the bottom of Parvathamalai in 1997 and performed intensive sadhana for 4-5 years and attained siddhi in 2002. At the bottom of the Hill a samadhi for Mouna Vithoba Swami and a ashram has been developed.

He was engaged in puja and worship of Goddess Sri Rajarajeshwari at the hilltop cave. The ashram authorities allow everyone to perform meditation inside the cave and also they describe about swamiji and temple details. I have recorded a video of the same and shared along with photos.

During his stay at top he used to serve food to the people who visited the temple and wished that the same to continue which is being carried even now. Both Food and accommodation is available at top and foothill.
Though the construction around the cave started 10 years ago, the ashram is still under development, however even now (in its unfinished state) it offers food and accommodation to pilgrims.

We were served hot ven pongal and the entire team had it under the sky with passing clouds and chill wind. We all stayed inside the Ashram over the night after visiting temple.

Next day morning when we descended after another darshan of God, I saw the cloud coming up as the air was lifting it up, it was a divine experience to be with nature.

Kumbabishegam – The dilapidated state of the Temple forced some the devotees from Triplicane, Chennai, to form a Renovation Committee. Word spread and help came from all quarters. The HR and CE gave the green signal and work started in 2010. But it has not been easy. From water to steel and wood to cement, everything has to be transported manually. An uphill task, literally! Sand is sent up in small bags through devotees. Water is carried in bottles and the same is emptied into huge drums. You will feel the bewilderment once you visit this hill, on how this task was accomplished.

This attached video link will provide an idea how the task was completed and will help to compare the current state and previous state.

Video 1                                                                 Video 2

Yes on Jan 20th 2016 Kumbabishegam was performed after 600 years and we were fortunate to visit before the mandalam. The above picture will show the development and effort that has gone into.

Temple –It is believed that the great siddhar Bhogar created the God here.

There is no door in the temple and similar to North India here too we can perform abishegam to god on our own. It is important to carry water and pooja items which I did.

One passerby noticed my heavy bag and inquired about the same. I told him that it has pooja items and he hinted that they might not allow to perform abishegam on our own considering the Mandala pooja(48 days from Kumbabishegam) and the same was told by priest when I reached the temple.

Normally they will avoid certain items during this period and on my repeated request he accepted few like 2 litres of Ganges water, Rose water, Fruits and Jaggery for Panchamrithum, sandal whereas he rejected Milk, Curd and Honey which I gave it to Ashram people for their use.

The Goddess Brahmarambika idol at the Temple has a dazzling smile and Divine light can be often seen on her face and cheeks. When the devotee walks away from Goddess Brahmarambika in the sanctum sanctorum, the size of the deity instead of diminishing appears to increase in size and it seems as if the Goddess steps forward and approaches the devotee.

In my next edition will share about Girivalam and some salient incidents that has occurred in the past. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Parvathamalai - Southern Kailash

Cause and the effect of Guru’s Grace can be illustrated with one of the basic scientific process, Water cycle. As all of us know the purest form of water is when it is in the state of vapor. Irrespective of the source or the past form, let it be from drains or stinking ponds or contaminated lakes or the saline water of oceans when it evaporates and comes back as rain it is of the purest form. The important factor for evaporation is the rays of sun and in the case of Guru it is the benevolence of Guru.

When you amalgamate with HIM, no matter what you have been till then, self-purification happens unconsciously. Not only the physical impurities are removed but also the thoughts and feelings towards others too get purified and the impurities are discarded.

My first acquaintance of the word Parvathamalai(Southern Kailash) emanated during my reading on Mahaperiva’s incident during HIS Giri pradhaksana and the Anna Dhannam episode on Marghazi 1st day. As usual started gathering information about this temple and was planning to make a trip. Came to know that the Kumbabishegam is scheduled for Jan 20th 2016 and want to wait till that period so that it adds value to your visit.

As usual Balaji Davey (friend), posted in FB that he is planning a trip during second week of February and grabbed the opportunity with both hands and confirmed my availability.

History and Location :- 
Parvathamalai is located near Thenmadimangalam Village, 20 kms from Polur near Thiruvanamalai and part of Javadhu hills.

“Parvatham” means mountain and Parvatha Malai as it is called, denotes “Hill of Hills". It is believed that when Lord Hanuman carried Sanjeevini hill to revive Laxman a piece of Sanjeevenimalai fell at this spot. For this reason this particular area is famous for various herbs and shrubs which can cure the deadliest diseases. It is not just herbs that can cure disease but the breeze alone from the Hill wafting through the plants and shrubbery is enough to help cure illnesses. Also it is believed that when Lord Siva returned from the Himalayas to South India, He stepped on Parvathamalai on His way to Arunachala, Thiruvannamalai.

We have to cross 6 hills to reach this powerful temple which is at the cliff of the 7th hill and Lord Shiva is in the form of Mallikarjuna and Goddess as Brahmarambika or Parvathammal. After crossing 6 Chakras in the human body the kundalini shakthi reaches the sadashivam in the top of the body. Similar to that we have to cross 6 hills(Kadalaadi ,Methamalai, Kumari Mettumalai,Kadapparaimalai, kanakachiodaimalai) to reach Shiva Sakthi here. Parvathamalai presents eight different shapes from eight directions around the hill and one form of the shape is like
bull or Nandhi and the temple is bang on the forehead of Nandhi.                                 
Siddhars @ Hill :-
It is believed that it should be 2000 years old and great yogis (Siddhars) constructed this Temple at the top of the hill for doing meditation. However on record we have some reference to 300 AD. This is a hill visited by numerous Siddhas for Shiva worship and that could be a reason for this place to be vested with a lot of spiritual power and powerful vibrations from the religious point of view.
Many siddhars are living and practicing their skills around Hill and they have given darshan to many visitors. It is reputed that there are Siddhars who have made this Hill their home and who keep their presence a secret only choosing to reveal themselves to very few devotees of the Divine. It is believed that these Siddhars visit the Temple on the top of Parvathamalai at midnight to worship the presiding deities there. 

Trekking to Top:-
Reaching the top of Parvathamalai is an arduous task. It is a vertical mountain over 4,500 feet in height that has iron rod steps, 1600 track steps, ladder steps, and sky steps (agayapadi) not found at other such sacred mountains. The Kadapaarai Padhai section of the climb up the Hill is considered to be the toughest part of the trek. This part which is punctuated by iron rods drilled into the rocks and chains to assist during the sharp ascent is also only wide enough to accommodate one-way traffic. Thus one has to raise one’s voice voice from the bottom of this section and wait for acknowledgment from the other end before starting to climb the Kadapaarai Padhai section.

Maha Periva & Malai :-
Kanchi Sri Sankaracharya saw the hill in the shape of Shivalingam. He saw the hill as God and doesn't want to keep his foot on the hill and just went around the hill worshiping it. This hill attracts a lot of devotees on Pradhosam,Full moon day, No moon day, Adi 18 and also on Marghazi 1st day close to a lakh people will perform Giri Pradhksanam.

Mystic Malai:-Villagers around ‘Parvathamalai’ down below say that they can clearly hear the sound of ringing bells, blowing conch and beating drums exactly at midnight when pujas are performed by siddhars. This place is filled with stories of miracles witnessed in one form or another.It is reported by visitors that at night many paranormal activities occur on Parvathamalai. On a clear day one can see Thiruvanamalai hill from here.

In my next edition will cover the Ashram and its activities at the top, how our travel was organized by our captain Balaji, Experience of staying overnight at the top, How the kumbabishekam was performed and finally some of the incidents I heard from shopkeepers during my interaction with them.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Pratinandan Voyage - 4(Final)

God takes the form of a Guru and appears to the devotee,The Guru will come to us when we are ready. We simply need to make ourselves ready and the rest is automatic. 

Finally taking this series to an end.The intent of sharing these information is to create interest so that everyone should visit these temples atleast as a mark of respect to those who spent their time and energy in building these wonders. Even for non-believers these have plenty in store, if someone from other country can find an architecture marvel why not we? 

Many of us think that Kumbakonam is only the nine Navagraha temples for all our dhoshams and a little more but actually it is much much bigger indeed!
Please reserve a full day for other temples and have a plan to cover as much as possible in each of your visit.

Gangaikonda CholapuramThis particular temple was picked when I was reading an article about how HH MahaPeriva started the Annaabhishegam in year 1986. So got fascinated and wanted to visit and thus included in my list.
 Also prior to that HH ensured that abhishegam to Brahadheeswara is performed by Ganges water that was brought from Haridwar in a huge lorry.(If interested goggle to find the entire episode). 

When I visited this temple around 10.00 am I was the one and only devotee in this huge temple.
This temple was built by Rajendra Chola son of Raja Raja Chola after his victorious invasion of Northern India. In the year 1012 to 1044 he expanded to south east Asia and Srilanka and made Cholas as supreme power.
The Shiva Linga in the temple is the biggest(bigger than Tanjore) in size among the Lingas in Tamilnadu temples. Nandhi is also bigger than Tanjore, made of a single lime stone 200 metres far from the sanctum. Rays of Sun light falls on the Nandhi each day reflecting on the Linga. Even if all lights in the sanctum are put off, devotees can see the Lord in the sunlight. Similar to Tanjore Big temple, the shadow of the Kalasa on the tower does not fall on ground.A stone, called Chandrakanta stone is installed under the Linga with a rare power of making the place cool during summer and comforting warmth during winter. This is experienced by generations of priests of the temple. Mother Durga in the temple graces the devotees as a 9 year old pretty smiling little girl with 20 hands killing demon Mahishasura. She is the family deity of King Rajendra Chola.

This temple was abandoned by people and wore a deserted look till late 80’s until HH Mahaperiva installed a Sri Chakra at the feet of the Mother Periyanayagi. People say that only after the installation of the Sri Chakra , the crowd began to swell in the temple.
Outer wall was destructed during British rule to reuse the material (rocks) for constructing a dam across Kollidam.
I have provided a link from youtube where you can get full view of the temple.

Thirubhuvanam - Kampaheswarar Temple

This is on the way to Mayiladuthurai from Kumbakonam. This is similar to Thanjavur, Dasarum, Gangaikonda Cholapuram in the architecture style where structure of main sanctum is mightier than first gopuram. Again this was built as a memorial to a successful North India campaign by Cholas and more than 1000 years old.

Main deity is Sri Kambahareswarar and Ambal is Sri Dharmasamvardhani there is a seprate shrine for Sarabeswarar.
Narashimma avatar is the most ferocious forms of Vishnu avatars, after slaying the demon the presence of the evil demon’s blood made Narashima more furious. All Rishis and Devas got frightened on the situation and pleaded to Lord Shiva to save the world from his intensity. Lord Shiva took a Sarabeswarar form and started chasing the Narashimma Avatar of Vishnu. Sarabeswarar is a form of as half animal and half bird with 8 legs, 4 hands, 2 feathers and sharp tooth, nails that was looking more ferocious than Narashima. Narashimma got frightened by looking at Sarabeswarar and started running away. At one point of time, Sarabeswarar touched Narashimma then Narashimma’s anger went away and he got calm. Lord Sarabeswara took Narasimha above the gravitational sphere to prevent his blood falling on earth. The form of Sarabeswara comprises four Gods – Shiva, Kaali, Durga and Vishnu.

Performing abishegam to main deity is like performing Ashwamedha Yagna and every month for the last 25 years on a full moon day this is being performed by Thinamalar family and I was fortunate to be there on 23 rd Jan(full moon day).
Thiruvidaimarudur - Mahalingaeswaraswamy
Lord Shiva is called Mahalingeswaraswamy and referred to as Jothimayalingam and the consort is Brihathsundarakujambigai. Some people consider this temple equivalent to Kasi and pooja is performed to main deity and then only to Lord Vinayagar. This is one of the huge temples I have visited and later on came to know that it is largest in Tamilnadu. Having heard about the association of this temple with HH Maha Periva, how can this not be in the list and hence included.This huge temple is one of the greatest Saivite shrines in Tamilnadu and is referred to as Madhyarjuna Kshetram and is said to be on par with Chidambaram and Varanasi.
The Shiva lingam is suyambu, in the process of teaching and demonstrating the worship to sages it is believed that Shiva worshipped himself (Advaitha Philosophy). Devotees use different gopurams to enter and exit and there is story(Brahmahatti dosham) behind this where a Pandyan King was constantly haunted by a Brahim ghost who was killed by the King’s horse. As per the divine guidance King visited this temple through eastern gate and left through western gate where the Ghost was waiting in the eastern gate for him to return thus the king was relieved of Dosam.

This temple has 3 praharamas, Aswamedha pradhakshina praharam(should be more than half km), Going around this will give the effect of doing Ashwamedha yaga. Kodumudi praharam – circumambulation this will give the effect of going to Kailash. Pranava praharam – Going around this will give Moksha.

The temple car(Ther) is one of the biggest of Tamilnadu, The Ther was donated to the temple in 1800 AD.Swamiji in the below picture will have reference in my next

When I visited the temple, 5 car festival happened after 180 years and due to HIS grace able to get a glimpse of the Majestic ther moving.
Finally reached the destination which did ignited this travel. Visited Dakshina Pandaripuram which is a replica and a Maharashtrian style temple for Sri Rukmini sametha Sri Vittal.

Since I requested for Kanchi madam the driver took me to the Brindhavan of Srimad Bhagavannama Bodhendral – the 59th acharya of the Sri Kamakoti Peetha, spent some and rushed to Tapovanam since it was almost noon.

Tapovanam - The divine form of Sri Mahaswami which is in a seated posture has been sculpted in green stone by Sri Ganapathi Sthapati. Encircling Sri Mahaswami, are Sri Adi Sankara in sculpted form and all the other Gurus in the form of Banalingas. All these banalingas have been brought from the Narmada river. Wondrous indeed, that by the grace and penance of Sri Mahaswami, all these lingas were found on a single day. Here in their subtle presence are all the 68 Masters starting from Sri Adi Sankara onwards, in one and the same place. Sri Mettur Swami, who received sanyasa directly from Sri Mahaswami and who was personally overseeing the performance of the Nithya puja and abhisheka entered his brindavana here. Since HH is in mid of his Guru the posture is that of making his pranams to his Guru. 
 Tapovanam was closed even before I went and initially had a poignant mood, then realized the purpose is to chant so recited the verses and left the main mandapam. A person who was managing the premises called me and the purpose of the call was they are about to open the main mandapam for a Visitor, the same swamiji I saw in the Ther vizha. He was the one among the elite members who occupied the dais and started the Ther vizha. This made me to realize the power of the slokas recited by me, especially Chamakam. 
Chamakam when chanted with devotion assures granting of what you ask. Not only I had a wonderful darshan and details of the tapovanam described but also delicious lunch with vada payasam etc., 
I am sharing a link where you can find more details and would encourage everyone to have a look and if possible participate in the nityapoojai and homa and get his blessing. Let us all share a small portion to our Guruparampara.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Grand Slam - Down Under 2016

Going off-track from my previous theme where the concluding edition is pending that might get rolled later this week. Before I forget I want to pen down this one since those places will remain as everlasting memories and I can recollect the same anytime.

Advent of December(Marghazi) and January(Thai) month brings with it Bhakthi, Music and Sports during the early hours of India. War for television remote is definitely possible if people of varied interest share a television set.

Normally in Australia during the month of January both Tennis and the shorter version of cricket go hand in hand and similar to the year 2015 this year also Indian cricket team was there down under.
Being the first Grand slam event of the year, Australian open creates lot of interest among the followers and this year was no exception. I was personally looking for this one for various reasons
  • Being an zealous fan of Federer, wanted him to get that elusive No 18 title
  • Serene equaling the German great Steffi
Other mutually exclusive that were on the cards are of Djokovic 11th that will bring him on par with legends like Laver and Borg or Rafa’s 14th title or Andy’s first at down under.

Year 2016 event had dust storm, rain, searing heat, clear sky and controversies. Before start of the event I was surprised with the news that this sport too is not spared by match-fixers. The report from BBC sparked flurry of revelations and accusations with Djokovic among the players to confirm a match-fixing approach early in his career.

Considering the Australian summer, the entry of physical trainer onto the court is a normal phenomenon at this venue. But this year not only there were several visits by trainer on to the court also there were instances of off-court injuries, like Nigel Sears (father in law of Andy Murray) who collapsed during a match.

The seeding largely held the expectation and more true in the Men’s draw with the exception of few like Rafa's 1st round exit  and as the event progressed the Women’s draw witnessed more seeded player’s exits starting Venus Williams in the 1st round.

Some of the events I personally enjoyed while watching them live are
  • Tomas Berdych’s 195km/h serve against Roger Federer that crashed into a line judge’s abdomen(to be specific on the box) and I could feel the pain from here. Regardless of the pain, showing a typical Aussie grit the official carried on.
  • Tsonga came to the aid of a stricken ball girl, she was not able to stand due to illness. He supported her till the gates.
  • Dominic Thiem’s sportsmanship against David Goffin, handing back a point he knew should not be replayed and finally lost the match.
One person who will not be seen from next year on this GS is Lleyton Hewitt, being his home was a wild card entrant every year. My memorable moment of Lleyton Hewitt goes back to 1998 when at 15 years old he became one of the youngest winner of a tournament, defeating Jason Stoltenberg in the final, after having defeated Andre Agassi in the semi-finals. He was also the youngest male ever to be ranked NO1 at the age of 20. Now on his new assignment of coaching the Davis cup team and shaping the teenagers like Bernard Tomic and Kyrgious should be his priority.

Hewitt remained a presence at Melbourne Park throughout the fortnight, partnering Groth in the doubles and appearing in both Kyrgios’ and Tomic’s(fellow countrymen) boxes before standing alongside Laver, Ken Rosewall during the men’s final. He may not be in the draw next year, but his impact of the sport in Australia remains as important as ever.

It is pleasing to see the next generation of players like Dimitrov,Milos Raonic,Nick Kyrgios and Bernard Tomic emerging and the big question on the Era after the likes Fedrer and Djokovic might be answered by these folks….

Women’s event I was surprised with early exits of some players like Vic Azarenka and Venus Willams but could spot a talent in Daria Gavrilova, this Aussie teenager showed some power tennis and finally folded in round 4 to Carla’s experience. This year too we had the routine face off between Serena and Maria and yet again Serena emerging victorious. The final result amazed everyone including the winner Kerber against Serena(attached picture proves),
who was denied her chance to draw level with Steffi Graf as the most decorated Grand Slam champion of the Open era with a 22nd title. By winning this title Kerber has shot to No2 in the ranking, a temporary standing.

Men’s Event - The men’s draw began with a bang and exit of Rafa and the rest of the results were as expected. Exceptional talent was seen in the form of Milos Raonic who exhibited the net game similar to his idol Pete Sampras. Round 4 match against Stan Wawrinka was an epic battle where the serve-volleying Canadian won not only the match but several tennis fan’s heart. From the lower half of the draw, I was expecting him to play the final but in SF against Andy he lost due to his leg injury. We can expect a blast from this guy during Wimbledon 2016.

No Canadian men has ever reached the final of a tennis Grand Slam, it looked as if Raonic would become the first.He beat Andy Murray in the first set of their semifinal match, as well as the third. But just when one set away from winning the match and reaching the final, his body let him down.

As usual another tussle between Federer and Djokovic this time in a SF, that ended with the same result and this loss had shot the confidence of the Serbian and in future matches he might win a game before it starts.

Djokovic mowed Roger in semis and blasted Andy in the finals. Also Novak makes you to go for steep angles to win points, else it will be tough and hence the unforced errors of his opponents are higher, actually this can be termed as forced errors (mentally outplayed).

Change of coach has definitely improved Murray’s game but he has to realize that Djokovic is also improving year after year. The intensity of the final match was not there and first set showed the direction of the result. Agree, the Scot endured one of the hardest fortnights of his career in Melbourne, away from his expectant wife Kim and rushing to the bedside of his father-in-law Nigel Sears, who collapsed during his third-round match but if you want to win, all these things has to be set aside mentally.

Finally the name Djokovic was engraved 6th time on the cup.

Women’s Doubles As expected the pair of Martina and Sania sailed yet another title without any battle except in QF.

Mixed Doubles Martina and Leander Peas tumbled to the world no 1 Sania and Ivan in the QF but eventually the world no1 lost their SF to the winners of Elena pair.

Eagerly waiting for the queen of Grand slam during English Summer….

Friday, February 5, 2016

Pratinandan Voyage - 3

Similar to the previous, In this one too I will start with a preamble which describes Guru. According to Ramana Maharishi, God and Guru are in truth no different. Guru is God in human form and he is indispensable.
Our Upanishads also describe the role of Guru in everyone’s life, “Mundaka Upanishad” not only describes the role of Guru but also about different facets like Surrender to Guru, Characteristics of Guru, Method of surrender and Association with Guru.

I would like to pick a few from that Upanishad,

‘Prashãntachittãya shamãnvitãya’. ‘Prashãntachittãya’ means stability of mind and inner satisfaction. What can a wavering mind grasp? Nothing is understood if the mind is agitated. To attain knowledge we must focus our minds and serve the guru. ‘Shamãnvitãya’ means control of the senses, forgoing unnecessary or unsuitable pleasures.

‘Tadvignãnãrtham sa gurumevãbhigachchhet’ – ‘In order to realize that brahmavidya, one must go to the guru’ It is not a merely a suggestion to surrender to the guru; it is an order, a command. There is no other way, wisdom cannot be attained by oneself. You have to go somewhere and it must be Guru.Surrender by mind, speech and actions – this is the true way of surrendering to the guru. It is not enough to merely go to him or sit near him physically. One has to surrender and become engrossed. Now back to travel…
Swamimalai – Saminathan
Of the “Aaru padai veedu” this stands at fourth and the only one which I have never visited. Lord Shiva became oblivious of all his knowledge and is said to have regained them here from Lord Muruga. Lord Muruga said that he can expound the knowledge only if Lord Shiva can accept him as guru and listen to the exposition as a devoted disciple.
This temple is built on an artificial hillock and has sixty steps to indicate Hindu cycle of sixty years. Moreover, the usual divine vehicle, peacock is absent in this shrine. Instead, there is a white elephant is found in front of the Lord. It is said that Indra, in gratitude for having saved him from Asuras, presented the Lord with his own vehicle, Airavatam, the white elephant and hence the peacock is absent in Swamimalai.
Nagakudi – Sri Kailashanathar
Association with this tiny village near Swamimalai commenced last year through a project. This visit is to observe the progress made towards the construction of an age old temple.Though there is a delay, we will be able to perform Kumbabishegam as per plan. For more details I am sharing my last year blog on this heading
Thiruvalanchuzhi- Thiru Valanchuzhi nathar
As the name indicates(Thiru-Sacred and Valanchuzhi- right handed curve) is the holy place where river Kauveri takes a turn hugging this shrine. The presiding deity is Thiru Valanchuzhi nathar and Peria Nayaki and this one is huge and could be more than 1000 years old.

Though lord Shiva is swayambu and the main deity, this temple is famous for Swetha Vinayagar. Lord Swetha Vinayagar(Vellai Vinayagar) is made from sea water foam, hence white in colour. It is believed that Indra, the king of the Devas created the idol of Ganesha out of sea sand during the churning of the ocean and left it in a niche in the temple hoping to get back the idol sometime later. But later, when he returned to remove the idol of Ganesha, he was not able to. So, the idol was allowed to remain here.

Since the Ganesha idol is of foam,no abishegam,flowers, vastras or sandal placed on Him. Only powdered Borneol (Pachai Karpuram) is sprayed on the idol without hand touch.

Normally Goddess Kali is furious but in this temple Ashta Buja Kali( Eight hands) looks in a calm down posture and heard from gurukal that Raja-Raja Chola used to offer prayers to this deity before proceeding to war this was followed by others too in his dynasty. 

When I entered this huge temple there was no one to be seen and was taken back a bit. Suddenly saw a big team from Chennai Rotary club and to my astonishment met my ex-boss (Balaji) and ex-super-boss(Srikanth) of Ford with their family.
This is an ancient temple of God Shiva dedicated to Sri Mullaivananathar and Sri Garbarakshambigai Amman. I went on the eve of Kumbabishegam where lots of preparations were happening around.

The main deity is Sri Mullaivananathar Swamy who is worshiped for better health. The Swamy here is swayambhu(self manifested). Even today we can see the impression of mullai creeper over him. He is made up of hardened mud and there is no Abhishegam for this God. Instead Punugu is being offered on Pradosham day, this Punugu is believed to have healing power and it is being sent as prasadam for the peoples, who suffer due to incurable skin diseases, cardiac diseases.
Goddess Sri Garbarakshambigai Amman here cures infertility related problems to women, blesses them to conceive and also helps them for safe and trouble free delivery. 
Letters from devotees on their experience are available in the below link 
Papanasam- 108 Shivalayam 
The main deity is Ramalingaswami and his consort is Parvadhavardhini.This temple was build by Lord Rama and the 108 Shiva lingas were installed by him. Even though Ravana was a demon, he was a great Shiva Bhakta. By killing him, Lord Rama had got Dosha.To ward off this Dosha, he installed the 108 lingas. It is believed that worshipping Lord Shiva in this temple would remove all sins. Lord Ramalingaswami is in the main shrine and in the hall (Mandap) there are 106 Shiva Lingas in 3 rows and finally Hanumantha Linga shrine is outside the temple totaling to 108. 
Darasuram – Airvatesvara Temple 
Though had time on Day 1 evening, pushed this to day2 morning to enjoy the architecture marvel of this temple, should visit this place in the day time.

Again a huge temple which comes under UNESCO, built by Raja Raja chola 2 is a storehouse of art and architecture. Apart from me and gurukal there were only some French people in this temple. Airavata, the white elephant of Indra, worshipped Lord Siva in this temple and hence named after him as Airavateswara. The Goddess in this temple is known as Deva Nayaki.
It is believed that Yama took bath in the sacred tank to get rid of the burning sensation and hence known as Yamateertham. This tank gets fresh water from Kaveri and piligrims make a point to have a bath in the tank.
Everyone will be astonished by the marvel of architecture in this temple, important one being Vaali and Sugreva fight. One cannot see Rama's sculpture from the pillar where the sculpture of fight whereas from Rama’s sculpture we will be able to the sculpture of fight.
In front of the temple, there is a small mandapa, which can be reached by three steps in the form of a ladder. The steps are stones, which give different musical sounds when tapped. All the seven swaras can be heard at different points.

Thirupananthal - Sri Arunajadeswarar Temple 
Another huge temple and this time I was all alone, gurukal came after some time. But he explained with lot of patience and interest.A lady by name Thadakai was worshipping God for a child. One day when she was about to garland the God, her saree started slipping down.She managed to hold it but found to difficult to garland the Lord. So Shiva bent down and accepted her garland. From that day the Deity was not straight.
Later, a King tried to straighten with his army power but failed. Kunguliyakkalaya nayanar, 11th of the 63 nayanmars tied a rope to his neck and to the linga and straightened it to the old position through his devotion.
Lord Shiva is swayambumurthy and rays of sun fall on the lord on some particular days in April.