Friday, February 19, 2016

Parvathamalai - Southern Kailash

Cause and the effect of Guru’s Grace can be illustrated with one of the basic scientific process, Water cycle. As all of us know the purest form of water is when it is in the state of vapor. Irrespective of the source or the past form, let it be from drains or stinking ponds or contaminated lakes or the saline water of oceans when it evaporates and comes back as rain it is of the purest form. The important factor for evaporation is the rays of sun and in the case of Guru it is the benevolence of Guru.

When you amalgamate with HIM, no matter what you have been till then, self-purification happens unconsciously. Not only the physical impurities are removed but also the thoughts and feelings towards others too get purified and the impurities are discarded.

My first acquaintance of the word Parvathamalai(Southern Kailash) emanated during my reading on Mahaperiva’s incident during HIS Giri pradhaksana and the Anna Dhannam episode on Marghazi 1st day. As usual started gathering information about this temple and was planning to make a trip. Came to know that the Kumbabishegam is scheduled for Jan 20th 2016 and want to wait till that period so that it adds value to your visit.

As usual Balaji Davey (friend), posted in FB that he is planning a trip during second week of February and grabbed the opportunity with both hands and confirmed my availability.

History and Location :- 
Parvathamalai is located near Thenmadimangalam Village, 20 kms from Polur near Thiruvanamalai and part of Javadhu hills.

“Parvatham” means mountain and Parvatha Malai as it is called, denotes “Hill of Hills". It is believed that when Lord Hanuman carried Sanjeevini hill to revive Laxman a piece of Sanjeevenimalai fell at this spot. For this reason this particular area is famous for various herbs and shrubs which can cure the deadliest diseases. It is not just herbs that can cure disease but the breeze alone from the Hill wafting through the plants and shrubbery is enough to help cure illnesses. Also it is believed that when Lord Siva returned from the Himalayas to South India, He stepped on Parvathamalai on His way to Arunachala, Thiruvannamalai.

We have to cross 6 hills to reach this powerful temple which is at the cliff of the 7th hill and Lord Shiva is in the form of Mallikarjuna and Goddess as Brahmarambika or Parvathammal. After crossing 6 Chakras in the human body the kundalini shakthi reaches the sadashivam in the top of the body. Similar to that we have to cross 6 hills(Kadalaadi ,Methamalai, Kumari Mettumalai,Kadapparaimalai, kanakachiodaimalai) to reach Shiva Sakthi here. Parvathamalai presents eight different shapes from eight directions around the hill and one form of the shape is like
bull or Nandhi and the temple is bang on the forehead of Nandhi.                                 
Siddhars @ Hill :-
It is believed that it should be 2000 years old and great yogis (Siddhars) constructed this Temple at the top of the hill for doing meditation. However on record we have some reference to 300 AD. This is a hill visited by numerous Siddhas for Shiva worship and that could be a reason for this place to be vested with a lot of spiritual power and powerful vibrations from the religious point of view.
Many siddhars are living and practicing their skills around Hill and they have given darshan to many visitors. It is reputed that there are Siddhars who have made this Hill their home and who keep their presence a secret only choosing to reveal themselves to very few devotees of the Divine. It is believed that these Siddhars visit the Temple on the top of Parvathamalai at midnight to worship the presiding deities there. 

Trekking to Top:-
Reaching the top of Parvathamalai is an arduous task. It is a vertical mountain over 4,500 feet in height that has iron rod steps, 1600 track steps, ladder steps, and sky steps (agayapadi) not found at other such sacred mountains. The Kadapaarai Padhai section of the climb up the Hill is considered to be the toughest part of the trek. This part which is punctuated by iron rods drilled into the rocks and chains to assist during the sharp ascent is also only wide enough to accommodate one-way traffic. Thus one has to raise one’s voice voice from the bottom of this section and wait for acknowledgment from the other end before starting to climb the Kadapaarai Padhai section.

Maha Periva & Malai :-
Kanchi Sri Sankaracharya saw the hill in the shape of Shivalingam. He saw the hill as God and doesn't want to keep his foot on the hill and just went around the hill worshiping it. This hill attracts a lot of devotees on Pradhosam,Full moon day, No moon day, Adi 18 and also on Marghazi 1st day close to a lakh people will perform Giri Pradhksanam.

Mystic Malai:-Villagers around ‘Parvathamalai’ down below say that they can clearly hear the sound of ringing bells, blowing conch and beating drums exactly at midnight when pujas are performed by siddhars. This place is filled with stories of miracles witnessed in one form or another.It is reported by visitors that at night many paranormal activities occur on Parvathamalai. On a clear day one can see Thiruvanamalai hill from here.

In my next edition will cover the Ashram and its activities at the top, how our travel was organized by our captain Balaji, Experience of staying overnight at the top, How the kumbabishekam was performed and finally some of the incidents I heard from shopkeepers during my interaction with them.


  1. You are extremely blessed to go and visit places that I didnt even know about and get the Lord's darshan. And because you share your travels with us, we also are fortunate as we get to know about such historical and divine places. A big thanks to you for that. I am eagerly waiting for the next part to listen to the stories that you heard :)
    Also, I enjoy reading the first paragraph of every article you write about the Guru.I learn something new everytime I read it!

  2. Ganesh just read. Very well narrated. Your joining us is a great motivation for tour members. Thank you also for explaining about the temples significance during the tour

  3. Ganesh just read. Very well narrated. Your joining us is a great motivation for tour members. Thank you also for explaining about the temples significance during the tour

  4. Thanks Ganesh -- You are blessed and you do grab opportunities that provide great solace and mental satisfaction. Please let me know on future trips. I can join if it works out

  5. Ganesh,
    Very informative. My family deity of Lord Murugan (Siva Subramanyar) is just few kms away from this place. I have watched this holy Hill from for away and heard about its greatness. I wish I could make one day. Keep writing when you explore new things in your journey.

  6. Ganesh,
    Very informative. My family deity of Lord Murugan (Siva Subramanyar) is just few kms away from this place. I have watched this holy Hill from for away and heard about its greatness. I wish I could make one day. Keep writing when you explore new things in your journey.

  7. dear friends , I have also travelled to this place what ever is shared by our friend is true I have such strange experience I spent a night in the temple , This place is full of energy ,Let me tell you one of the experience I visited the temple on 1st margali masa it was nail-biting cold out but inside the temple it was so hot I was sweating see this temple is totally ventilated ,Friends from that day I and totally restless and always have an eager to go there hence i am going back by the next week end.My suggestion is once in life time one has to visit this place to feel the presence of the almighty
