Sunday, February 21, 2016

Parvathamalai - Southern Kailash - 2

As mentioned in my previous blog the team captain was Balaji Davey, who is renowned for meticulous planning. From 20+ the team size got reduced to 12 when each of them came to know the difficulties associated. Final team consisted of 12 whose age range was from 16 to 77 in which my Father-in-law was also a part.
The major factor for the reduction in size was the non availability of facilities. Since we planned an overnight stay on top of the hill then obviously this will play a crucial role, though we had a toilet at Ashram we need to carry water on our own or buy from the shops. Power is the second one, they have a genset and since the fuel is carried from the village all the way to the top it is used for couple of hours and then it is pitch dark, either the torch you carry or the kerosene lamp has to be used inside the Ashram.
We all assembled at CMBT and boarded the Van, also had a delicious breakfast at Sangeetha and Lunch at Polur Raja Mess. I have to admit that the lunch was one of the best I had recently and this was the feel of the entire team. Kudos to our captain for picking this one.

Finally reached Thenmadimanagalam village, parked our vehicle and took an auto to reach the foothill where the steps begin. Started around 15.00 hrs and finished our climb before darkness crept and all assembled in front of Ashram.

How to reach the summit- There are 3 ways to reach the top,

1. From Thenmadimangalam, this is relatively new and off late famous. Most devotees use this way where it consist of 1600 steps and at the end of the steps it joins the old route Kadaladi.

2. From Kadaladi, Old and this one is relatively tough, no steps and this is where the Mouna Guru Ashram is located. You have facilities to leave your vehicle, stay and use rest room. This route will be good for trekkers and one must follow the arrow symbols inside the forest. At the end this route meets the steps and as mentioned in my previous edition the tough part starts at the end of steps.

3. Kandha Palayam – This is not much used and very steep

We used 1st route to climb up and 2nd to descend and felt the return was more tiring and all were exhausted. The distance to trek is 7 kms and will take 4 hours for reasonably fit people to ascend and 6 hours maximum for others.

1st route has got lot of small shops all along the way till temple where you get refreshments that include water bottles, lemon soda, fruits etc.,

I met an old man during my ascend, he is 73 years old and he has been climbing the mountain twice a month from his age of 17 years. I was dumbfounded this should be his1344th trip for him.

Ashram @ Top
At the summit of the Hill is the Mouna Guruswamy Ashram where Swami Mouna Vithoba lived from year 1981 in a cave and was maintaining the Temple. After living for 16 years on the summit the saint came to the bottom of Parvathamalai in 1997 and performed intensive sadhana for 4-5 years and attained siddhi in 2002. At the bottom of the Hill a samadhi for Mouna Vithoba Swami and a ashram has been developed.

He was engaged in puja and worship of Goddess Sri Rajarajeshwari at the hilltop cave. The ashram authorities allow everyone to perform meditation inside the cave and also they describe about swamiji and temple details. I have recorded a video of the same and shared along with photos.

During his stay at top he used to serve food to the people who visited the temple and wished that the same to continue which is being carried even now. Both Food and accommodation is available at top and foothill.
Though the construction around the cave started 10 years ago, the ashram is still under development, however even now (in its unfinished state) it offers food and accommodation to pilgrims.

We were served hot ven pongal and the entire team had it under the sky with passing clouds and chill wind. We all stayed inside the Ashram over the night after visiting temple.

Next day morning when we descended after another darshan of God, I saw the cloud coming up as the air was lifting it up, it was a divine experience to be with nature.

Kumbabishegam – The dilapidated state of the Temple forced some the devotees from Triplicane, Chennai, to form a Renovation Committee. Word spread and help came from all quarters. The HR and CE gave the green signal and work started in 2010. But it has not been easy. From water to steel and wood to cement, everything has to be transported manually. An uphill task, literally! Sand is sent up in small bags through devotees. Water is carried in bottles and the same is emptied into huge drums. You will feel the bewilderment once you visit this hill, on how this task was accomplished.

This attached video link will provide an idea how the task was completed and will help to compare the current state and previous state.

Video 1                                                                 Video 2

Yes on Jan 20th 2016 Kumbabishegam was performed after 600 years and we were fortunate to visit before the mandalam. The above picture will show the development and effort that has gone into.

Temple –It is believed that the great siddhar Bhogar created the God here.

There is no door in the temple and similar to North India here too we can perform abishegam to god on our own. It is important to carry water and pooja items which I did.

One passerby noticed my heavy bag and inquired about the same. I told him that it has pooja items and he hinted that they might not allow to perform abishegam on our own considering the Mandala pooja(48 days from Kumbabishegam) and the same was told by priest when I reached the temple.

Normally they will avoid certain items during this period and on my repeated request he accepted few like 2 litres of Ganges water, Rose water, Fruits and Jaggery for Panchamrithum, sandal whereas he rejected Milk, Curd and Honey which I gave it to Ashram people for their use.

The Goddess Brahmarambika idol at the Temple has a dazzling smile and Divine light can be often seen on her face and cheeks. When the devotee walks away from Goddess Brahmarambika in the sanctum sanctorum, the size of the deity instead of diminishing appears to increase in size and it seems as if the Goddess steps forward and approaches the devotee.

In my next edition will share about Girivalam and some salient incidents that has occurred in the past. 


  1. Great fete CGB, this is place is close to my home town and I was told by my bro-in-law that it is indeed divine....if one is fortunate you will meet Sidhar in any form...This is such a divine place from what has been heard so far...and wish I experience this once in my life atleast

  2. Great fete CGB, this is place is close to my home town and I was told by my bro-in-law that it is indeed divine....if one is fortunate you will meet Sidhar in any form...This is such a divine place from what has been heard so far...and wish I experience this once in my life atleast

  3. Ganesh...That was great write up. Yes Raja mess was superb..and i never knew about the 3rd route - kanda palayam. You are an asset Ganesh during trips like these since you do your homework well to tell story about the places as you did this time. Thanks a lot for joining the trip and also for this write up. Lets explore more.. :-)
