Friday, September 23, 2016

D(igital)- Connection

Off late you will be observing that a lot of writing from me, would like to reveal the secret behind this. The tutor role that is being played by me helps in discovering lot of spare time, where I give some exercise to Ananya and during her execution of those exercise will browse, read and write these blogs.

Since started with Ananya studies, will share some recent experience received from her school as part of this version.

In this electronic age if you are not adopting the technology that prevails in the market you will definitely succumb to your competition. In case of the education it is more relevant as these institutions are being set up with profit motive and survival depends on surpassing other schools.

Recently received a SMS from Ananya’s school which had a link that guided me to Google play store’s App. Leisurely googled about the details of the App before downloading, will share some of my experiences on this subject.

The App name is Tenoapp( Teacher’s note), this acts as a medium of communication between a school and parents. Later on realized that there are lot of such Apps available to cater this area and depends on the school to pick an effective one.

Let me drift away to a generic topic and return back to this particular App.Normally in our routine life we encounter lot of problems, we have options either to reside with the problem or identify solutions to those. These App developers are of second category where they identify and come up with a solution and use them to earn money(ATM machine). They develop an App with features that address the problem and market them, later with the feedback received enhance the product features.

The TenoApp developers too fall under this calssification, where they connect School and parents digitally and for every download they get paid.

If the problems of a parent or child are to be listed in relation to communication with school it will run into pages but few critical ones are

1. Teachers could be met only on a particular day and several hours are squandered in travel for a few minutes of meet.

2. Child misplacing the school diary due to which a possibility of not completing the project on the scheduled date.

3. Not able to reach school authorities to know about holiday in case of emergency like rain or bandh

Advantages are many in case of these Apps to both the parties, in case of school

1. Group Communication with resend option or communication targeted to specific group like higher class

2. One way and Two communication, can be used from Principal desk or from class teacher

3. Attachments both Voice and pictures can be sent

Primary advantage for parents is that the communication is made easy not only with Class teacher but with other Parent’s of same class to get more opinions.

In general these paperless communication helps in saving environment as these will definitely get rid of School diary in the future.

See the attached picture from my phone where we have 1. Principal Message 2. Message from Class 7B teacher and 3. Message among parents of class 7.

You may ask about the disadvantages associated with these kind of Apps.

In general I do not see any disadvantage with this App, but fathers will have one, on a lighter note though, they will not be able have a glimpse of school teachers or can’t chat with class teacher of their kid. கடலை போடமுடியாது !!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful application i saw this on practice in a school we sponsor 25 students the Headmistress has this and at the the of flood in Chenab last year this application helped immensely and even able to trace out few families severely affected by flood and acted as resque operation
