Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Golden Rain

Recently during my internet browsing, I came across Sri Kannadasan’s “ பொன் மழை”, in that he explains Adi Sankaracharya’s Kanakadhara Stotram in his own style. Got motivated to share my learning in this forum.

Merely reciting these slokas will not help, personally I feel we will be able to relish if we understand the meaning of all the slokas that are written in Sanskrit. If that happens to be from the King of Tamil poetry then it will be a jewel in the crown. I will pick the best of the 21 slokas that I liked most and for the rest you can get a copy of his book.
For those who are not aware of the origin of this slokam the following hindsight will help.
Normally Sankaracharya will visit houses in Kalady to take bhiksha(food). On one such occasion, He came across a hut and asked for bhiksha. The women inside the house was embarrassed since she is so poor that nothing was available in her house. On her search she found an old Amla fruit. She thought that giving the amla fruit as bhiksa is not best but she had immense devotion and don’t want to send Sankara empty handed. She offered the amla fruit to Sankara with embarrassment.
Sankara realized the women’s devotion and accepted the fruit. He immediately started singing 21 slokas praising Goddess Mahalakshmi, praying her to bless the poor women and grant her riches.

Mahalakshmi response was that the lady has not done any good deeds in her previous birth so she doesn't deserve riches and is destined to suffer in poverty. Adi sankara accepted the argument about previous birth but said though the poor lady din't do any good deeds in previous birth whereas in this birth, she has such a kind heart and great devotion. Finally Goddess heeded to Sankara and blessed the old lady with showers of Golden amla fruit.Imagine, rain of golden fruit showering from sky

Adi Sankara has sung this "Kanakadhara stotra" for welfare of everyone who is suffering from their past karma and suffering in poverty.

I have attached Sanskrit version as a PDF file also the audio file for reference. For best results, after the reading the Tamil text go through the Sanskrit version with audio, you will relish in joy.Now let us travel to the book from Kannadasasan, once again I reiterate this is his translation and may not match the conventional translated version. So no fault finding exercise rather enjoy his skills as I did. 

These verses are beauty, that describes in getting a glimpse of Goddess Mahalakshmi and are my favorites and do not want to skip. Considering the space I have captured the rest in the attached PDF.
For Full Text file Click Here  

For Audio File click here - By MS

aṅgaṃ hareḥ pulaka bhūṣaṇa māśrayantī
bhṛṅgāṅga neva mukulā bharaṇaṃ tamālam |
aṅgī kṛtākhila vibhūti rapāṅga līlā
māṅgaḻya dā'stu mama maṅgaḻa devatāyāḥ ‖1‖

மாலவன் மார்பில் நிற்கும் மங்கலக் கமலச் செல்வீ!
மரகத மலரில் மொய்க்கும் மாணிக்கச் சுரும்பு போன்றாய்
நீலமா மேகம் போல நிற்கின்ற திருமாலுந்தன்
நேயத்தால் மெய் சிலிர்த்து நிகரிலாச் செல்வம் கொண்டான்!
மாலவன் மீது வைத்த மாயப்பொன் விழிஇ ரண்டை
மாதுநீ என்னி டத்தில் வைத்தனை என்றால் நானும்
காலமா கடலில் உந்தன் கருணையால் செல்வம் பெற்று
கன்ணிறை வாழ்வு கொள்வேன் கண்வைப்பாய் கமலத்தாயே

Lotus mother, who resides in the heart of MahaVishnu. He is thrilled with your grace and got showered with prosperity. Could you please set those golden eyes on me too that you grace HIM so that I will also get abundance in my life.

mugdhā muhur vidadhatī vadane murāreḥ
prematrapā praṇi hitāni gatāgatāni |
mālā dṛśor madhu karīva mahotpale yā
sā me śriyaṃ diśatu sāgara saṃbhavāyāḥ ‖2‖

நீலமா மலரைப் பார்த்து நிலையிலா(து) அலையும் வண்டு
நிற்பதும் பறப்ப தும்போய் நின்விழி மயக்கம் கொண்டு
கோலமார் நெடுமால் வண்ணக் குளிர்முகம் தன்னைக் கண்டு,
கொஞ்சிடும், பிறகு நாணும் கோதையார் குணத்தில் நின்று!
ஏலமார் குழலி அந்த இருவிழி சிறிது நேரம்
என்வசம் திரும்பு மாயின் ஏங்கிய காலம் சென்று
ஆலமா மரங்கள் போல அழிவிலாச் செல்வம் கொண்டு
அடியவன் வாழ்வு காண்பேன் அருள்செய்வாய் கமலத்தாயே !

Here Vishnu is being depicted as blue flower and Mahalakshmi’s eyes as bees that hover around the flower. On looking the face of Lord the feel of shy captures you but you are tempted to look again at HIM but shyness prevents. Hence you temporarily shift your glance at the moment of shyness, even that small divine glance at me during that time will bless me with prosperity.

āmīli tākṣa madhigamya mudā mukundaṃ
ānanda kanda manimeṣa manaṅga tantram |
ākekara sthita kanīnika pakṣma netraṃ
bhūtyai bhaven mama bhujaṅga śayāṅga nāyāḥ ‖3‖

நற்குடி பிறந்த பெண்கள் நாயகன் தனைப் பார்த்தாலும்
நாணத்தால் முகம்புதைத்து நாலிலோர் பாகம் பார்ப்பார்!
பற்பல நினைத்தபோதும் பாதிக்கண் திறந்துமூடி
பரம்பரைப் பெருமை காப்பார் !
பாற்கடல் அமுதே! நீயும் அற்புத விழிகளாலே
அச்சுத முகுந்தன் மேனி அப்படிக் காண்பதுண்டு
ஆனந்தம் கொள்வதுண்டு !
இப்பொழு(து) அந்தக் கண்ணை என்னிடம் திருப்பு தாயே !
இருமையும் செழித்து வாழ இகத்தினில் அருள்வாய் நீயே !

Pure women who are born in good family will feel shy if their husband look at them continuously. Normally these women will have subtle look at their husband with half closed eyes when he is not noticing and get delighted. You will also do the same with Vishnu. It is enough if you could look those momentary look at me to get blessed with abundance and auspiciousness in my life.

Once again would like to quote that these may be different from conventional version. The intent of this sharing is "யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக இவ்வையகம்"meaning I got Pleasure and making that available to all is the motto here.

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