Friday, September 2, 2016

Tour de Epic-2

After publishing the part 1 of this tour in the previous edition there were few eyebrows raised and some even posted questions asking the reason for these kind of frequent tours. Would like to use this forum to pass the message that I am just trying to practice what is being told in Chapter 12 of Bhagavad Gita. In that he lays down the path towards Bhakthi and I am just trying to follow the same.
Now back to the Travel.

Reached early evening to our hotel that was booked with the help of Trip advisor, after an hour of relaxation, headed towards Ramanathaswamy temple with all the inputs provided by front office guy in the hotel.

Had our bath in Agni theertham and from there to temple where we need to bath in the rest of the 22 well, all completed in less than 30 mins. We would not have achieved this without the help of an agent. We were able to by-pass the long queues, with the agent taking us to those who draw water from the wells and requested them to pour on us and in some cases he did on his own.
On completion of this we removed our wet clothes and changed to the one we carried, since darshan with wet clothes are not allowed. Had a wonderful darshan of Ramanathaswamy and Parvathavardhini, One of the Jyothirlingam of India.  
On the left side of main deity you can find a sannidhi for Vishwanathar that was brought by Lord Hanuman, whereas the main one was created was Sita. Even today Viswanathar gets preference when compared to main deity since Lord Rama promised the same to Hanuman. Each deity in the first and second prakaram has some HIS(story), you have siva in the form of salt and one associated with sage pathanjali's mukthi etc.,

Returned to hotel after a heavy dinner and had a wonderful slumber. Early morning around 4.00 am got up and prepared ourselves for Spatiga Linga Darshan. This one was installed by Sri Adi Sankara and they perform abishegam and pooja to this first and then only to Ramanathar and the timing is 5.00 am to 6.00 am, so you have to be in queue to get tickets that cost Rs 50/-

With a sense of fulfillment walked out of temple premises and on our way back to hotel called a driver and worked out a deal for a sightseeing and dropping us finally at Ramanathapuram bus stand. We all had a quick breakfast and before we check out the driver was there at the agreed time of 7.00 am.

Headed towards the 2 most prominent places that need to be covered before noon but on the way covered some local places too that include Ramar Patham etc., but the note worthy was Villoondi Theertham which is close to Dr. Abdul Kalam memorial. Legend states that on the way back to Ayodhya the crew felt thirsty and to quench Lord  shot an arrow from where this spring erupted. In the mid of sea the water was so sweat to taste, Miracle nothing else to describe.


Let me start with a quote from KambaRamayanam,If I fail to mention Kambar during this write-up then I will not be doing justice to my mother tongue. In Yudha Kandam,

அழிந்தது பிறவி என்னும் அகத்தியல் முகத்துக்காட்ட , வழிந்த கண்ணீரின் மண்ணில் மார்பு உற வணங்கினானை

“Vibeeshana fell at Rama’s feet, his chest was on the dust, his face was delighted with the fact that he got instant salvation of his soul at the same time uncontrollable tears were flowing from his eyes”.Hope you got it now, this is the place where Vibhishanan saranagathi happened. This place is also called Saranagathi kshethram.

The Adi Jaganatha Perumal temple in Thirupullani which is considered to be one among 108 Divya Desams and thayar is known as Sri Padmasani. He is also called Dakshin Jaganathar or Kalyana jaganthar.

This place was sanctified twice by HIS feet, one on his way to Lanka and other on his return.Here Rama is seen in a reclining posture and is referred to as Dharbasayanar Ramar. The beauty of this is to seen to be believed. In other kshetharm, in sayana posture the eyes of perumal will be looking upwards but here it will be towards us. From HIS naval a lotus emerges and Lord Bharma sits on top of lotus accompanied by other devas.
The victorious Rama, after killing Ravana returns to Ayodhya with Sita. He rests for a while at his place, where it is said,He recounts to Sita the events that had happened during their separation. The belief is that limitless blessings will be bestowed to the devotees who worship PattaabhishegaRamar after taking a bath in the Adhisethu.

A small shrine dedicated to Santhana Gopalan can be found between Sayana Ramar and Pattaabhisega Ramar. It is a lovely sculptural wonder. Lord Krishna sits on the Adisesha who rests on the ‘kurmam’ (tortoise) surrounded by eight elephants and eight serpents. It is believed that the childless couple will be blessed with a child, if they worship the deity offering ‘paalpayasam’ (sweet-milk porridge) to Him. This is a famous offering in the Thiruppullani temple.

This temple was at the very centre of the epic as it was connected to Rama’s birth. King Dasaratha had apparently come here with his queens to worship the deity Adi Jaganatha Perumal. Legends say that this is where he was given a bowl of payasam or kheer and was asked to give them to his wives. Even today childless couples pray to the deity here and the custom includes installing a statue of the snake god here. Devotees believe that the original idol of the Naga or the snake deity was installed by King Dasaratha himself.

The reference however to Dharbasayanar Ramar comes much later in the epic when he arrived here looking for a way to reach Srilanka. Rama apparently prayed to the God of Sea by lying on a bed of grass and meditating on it asking the Lord of the Seas to show the army a path . The bridge was eventually built from here and Rama returned to pay his respects after defeating Ravana in the battle.

The most significant prayer in this holy place is to pray for begetting issues. The belief is that our sins will be absolved if we take a bath in the Sethu Thirtham. Moreover, all the impediments caused by the planets will be relieved if we worship here. Those who have difficulties in getting marriage will pray to the Utsavar, Kalyana Jagannathar.


Very important sacred place is the ‘Sethukarai’, the seashore about 3 kms. from Thiruppullani. This is also called ‘Adhisethu’. Sethu means ‘Bridge’. This is the place where Lord Rama built the bridge to cross over the ocean to reach Lanka, to retrieve Sita. We found lot of people offering prayers to their ancestors in this place.


Sri Mangalanathar-Mangaleswari is the temple, The presiding deity is a self manisfested from the Ilandhai tree which is 3000 year old and Mother Mangaleswari helps removal of obstacles in marriage alliance efforts. This is the place where Siva transferred the secrets of Vedas to Parvati. Uthiram means ( updesham ) kosam( secrets) Parvati (Mangai ) hence this place is known as Uthira Kosa Mangai.

The antiquity of Sri Mangalanathar-Mangaleswari temple dates far back. Mandodhari (wife of Ravana) was very adamant that she would marry only a Shiva devotee and did not mind waiting for the choice. She prayed to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva, graced Mandodhari’s wish and helped her wedding with Ravana.
The Emerald( Maragadha)Nataraja 51/2 feet tall Idol in this temple is the rare one not to be seen in any other temple and the deity is always covered with sandal paste. Only in the Tamil month of Margazhi on Tiruvathira nakshtram the sandal paste gets removed and there is abhishekam for the idol and on the next day again the idol gets smeared with sandal paste.

Generally, it is believed worshiping here in the morning will remove the sins brought from the previous birth, praying in the afternoon removes sins of the present birth while worshipping the Lord and the mother in the evening grants the devotee longevity, progress in profession and profitability.

Travelled back to the center, Ramanathapuram had a lunch and proceeded towards to Madurai to catch our train for Bangalore. CLICK HERE FOR PHOTOS

1 comment:

  1. Nicely narrated .. Thanks Ganesh anna for making me part of this trip and get the blessings of Almighty .. will remember this for lifetime .. Krishna
